Saturday, December 1, 2012

warning 2

I know that since Barack Hussein Obama became our President that there has been some surprising decisions that he has made and said. I have been totally surprised over some of the things that he has done as well as everyone else. I know tha
t there are some folks that believe that Obama could possibly be the Antichrist. Obama is not the Antichrist because there is nothing about him that places him in Bible prophecy. Up front I would like to say that I am glad that he is trying to help bring peace to the Middle East but I do not approve of the method that he is using.

Recently in his speech in Cairo Egypt, Obama said that he was a Christian and he said this in front of a very large group of Muslims. In fact he was speaking this to the whole Muslim world. It takes a lot of courage to do this in front of thousands of Muslims that do not particularly care about Christians. But it is sad to know that he isn’t a real Christian because of a number of things that he has said. For one he doesn’t believe that a person has to be born again to be a Christian and go to heaven. He believes that if you are a good person that you can make it on your own merit. He said that his mother wasn’t a Christian but he is sure that she made it to heaven because she was a good person. So I am not assuming anything that isn’t obvious. He confesses to be a Christian but has never been born again himself. He confesses Jesus but doesn’t know him. However I believe that the guy believes the things that he is doing is right. I was glad when he clearly placed the killing of those that were killed in the Twin Towers as being the responsibility of Muslim terrorists. He also brought up the point that those that were killed were innocent people who had not done anything to them to deserve it.

There has been a lot of fear because of his views in trying to bring about change to the World and America. I sometimes cringe when I hear about something new that he has introduced or is in the process of doing. Many Christians fear that he is going to do something that is going to bring the judgement of God upon America. One of these things is that he and Netanyahu are engaged in negotiations to make two states, one for Israel the other for Palestine. The fear of dividing the land has become somewhat of an outcry in itself. However the person that God is speaking of in the Old Testament prophecy that divides the land will be the Antichrist himself at the time that he invades Israel and drives them out of their land. Obama is not the Antichrist because there is nothing about him that places him in Bible prophecy. Yet I believe that what he is doing could have a great affect on fulfilling Bible prophecy.

He is going to attempt to convince everyone to internationalize Jerusalem. In other words to make it a city that belongs to the World community rather than Jew or Arab. He believes that since Jerusalem is considered to be a Holy city for Israel, Christians and Arabs that if he makes it international that it will bring peace to everyone. This he hopes will end the battle to own Jerusalem by any particular group. He has the approval of the French president and many other leaders in Europe and across the world. Everyone would like to see peace in the Middle East.

That whole region, including Jerusalem, belongs to the people of Israel and is a promise from God. However the Muslims believe that it belongs to them, especially with the Dome of the Rock sitting on the temple mount. They have a lot of religious interest in the city of Jerusalem. But Jerusalem is the city of David and goes back thousands of years as part of Israel. The temple mount is the very spot that Abraham offered up Isaac. It is the place that Solomon built the first Temple of God. So for me there is no doubt who this city belongs to.

I know that America will always back and support Israel if they are invaded by another country but I also know that America is not going to agree with everything that Israel does. The Bible shows America defending Israel during the last half of the Seven-Year Tribulation period. Them and their allies will drive the Antichrist and his armies out of Israel after he has invaded and divided the land among his friends. But, before all that happens there can be many events that will lead up to the final signing of the seven-year peace agreement that has got to happen.

It is important to think about what could happen. One of the things that could happen and in all probability will happen is that Jerusalem will not become an international city and the struggle over the city will continue until the time that the seven-year peace treaty is signed. Obama is only a man and the problems in that part of the world is only going to increase until there is a seven-year peace treaty. Tragically that treaty will be broken after the first three and a half years.

There still has to be the appearance of the Mahdi, the Muslim messiah that is to come and negotiate this peace treaty. It is written in the Hadith that he will sign a peace treaty with Israel for seven years. Our Bible also tells of such a man. This man will have the approval of the Muslim people and they will trust him to take care of them when he makes his appearance. Only he will be able to make such an agreement with Israel. If Jerusalem does not become an international city then it will take his appearance to bring the problems to an end.

However if Jerusalem becomes an internationalized city it could come with a condition. That condition would be that Israel would be given permission to build their Temple on the Temple Mount along side the Dome of the Rock that belongs to the Muslims. It may take this sort of agreement in order to make it happen. If this is the case and a seven-year peace treaty is signed at the time Jerusalem is internationalized and Israel becomes two states, one for the Jews and one for the Palestinians the Mahdi will be the main negotiator in this peace signing. It could happen this way as well.

We must always remember that nations cannot rise or fall without God’s permission for it to happen. His hand will be in all that comes out of these negotiations. No matter what happens in these negotiations whether it seems good or bad God is still in control. God is not so small that Obama can mess up everything that he has said would come to pass. All that God has promised will happen you can count on it.

The wheels continue to turn until the perfect time for all of the things written in scripture come to pass. I sometimes feel like John in saying, “even so come quickly Lord Jesus.”

God Bless You
Tommie Spurgeon

As the founder of "America and Israel in Bible Prophecy" I would like to say the following: I have not posted this as a political statement but rather out of a Religious concern. The Bible clearly tells us that if we will bless Israel that we will be blessed, and that if we curse Israel we will be cursed. It is very important for us to pray that President Obama and his administration will wake up to the truth.

I am not sure what the future holds for us during this Presidential Term but I am sure of this one thing. Eventually America will stand with Israel at the time that it is going to count the most. There is so much ignorance in the leadership of our nation, not just one party but both. They have lost sight of God and the meaningful things that are important for the survival of our nation. They have lost sight of what the founders told us. The most important thing that they have forgotten is that our liberties come from the creator not from man. As long as they believe that men are the writers of liberty we are in trouble. But I believe that there will eventually be a wake up in America. God used men to help re-establish Israel in her land and God will use men to perform his will in the future. An interesting note is that men helped Israel re-establish themselves because they knew that God wanted it to happen. We can do the same as God leads us to do his will.
Tommie Spurgeon

The news that the 2012 Democratic National Committee stuck down the previous 2008 stance that said that Americans had God-given potential and that Jerusalem was the Capital of Israel caused quite a disturbance in the nation. The Republicans jumped right on this opportunity in hopes of giving Romney the lead on the election. This stance was always the platform for both parties down through the years. However the Democrats omitted it from the platform this year. This was re-instated on the 5th of September at the Democratic National Convention. Obama realizing that his election could hang in the balance because of this decision decided to put it to a vote on convention floor. In the 2008 election Obama said that Jerusalem should always be the capital of Israel and agreed that the U.S. Embassy should be moved from Tel-Aviv to there. However when an outcry from the Palestinians and others came against him he shifted his view to the idea that Bill Clinton had during his term that was also adopted by G.W. Bush. This view was that there are so many different religions and people that consider Jerusalem to be a Holy Place in their beliefs and come to Jerusalem to celebrate and worship that the city out to be an international city and left open to everyone. Since there were so many claims from both Palestinians and the Israelis the view from both Bill Clinton and G.W. Bush was to let the Palestinians and Israelis work it out between themselves through negotiations, although the city should be left open to all.

If our Government creates any problems for Israel in any of these things it will hurt the purpose that God has for America. It will not stop what God has planned for our country but will make it difficult for the Christians in America to help and support Israel the way that we should. I find the following video very disturbing because when the chairman put this re-instatement to the floor of the Convention they literally had to force it on the party to help Obama regain his ground in the election. Watch closely and you will see what I am talking about. The vote was put to the people three times with a aye or no type vote. There is supposed to be a two thirds vote either way to decide the outcome. It was put to them three different times and it was decided that the aye vote was the winner. However if you watch this you will notice that it really was about fifty to fifty with the ayes and nos nothing close to a two-thirds vote. I am glad that this was decided but it is discomforting. Please watch this very short video.

This is discomforting considering that more and more people are joining the Democratic Party that represents a non-Christian anti-Israeli group. There was a lot of boos against God and Israel from many Democrats at the results of this decision. As they grow in strength the next election may not keep the view that we have a God-given potential or that Jerusalem is the Capitol of Israel. This is very possible. The Christians in America had better wake up and take a stand for freedom of religion and speech concerning Christians. If we don’t we will lose our voice completely in America. To view the news article copy and paste the following url into your browser.

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