Saturday, December 1, 2012


November 28, 2012:
There is a lot of excitement going on across the world over the U.N. decision to recognize Palestine as a nation. They are now recognized as a nation by the U.N., they do not belong to it as a member with the ability to vote but it is a
 new status of recognized power. The thing that troubles many nations such as the United States and Israel is that this now gives the Palestinians the power to file charges with the International Crime Commission against Israel for what they consider to be international crimes.

I am glad that the United States voted alongside Israel against this happening. This along with the fact that the Palestinians want to reclaim the land that Israel confiscated during the 67 war have placed many in doubt as to what kind of peace there is going to be. If there is a push to reclaim Jerusalem and other occupied territories it could erupt into a major war. Many prophesy teachers such as Hal Lindsey and others believe that a war will happen before the anti-Christ comes to full power. Where does this place us in Bible Prophecy? It only continues to confirm that we are in the last days and living in troublesome times.

There are many Christians that have heard people say that the Bible says "Woe to them that divide the land of Israel". Obama and Netanyahu met last year to discuss the making of two states, one for Israel the other Palestine it causes a lot of worry. Especially when it comes to anything that might bring danger to us that are living in the United States. I believe that America should always stand with Israel against her enemies, but I do not believe that what President Obama and Netanyahu is placing our nation in some sort of danger. It is scripture that gives the warning so we need to understand what they are saying. There is no such scripture in the Bible that says "Woe to them that divide land", but there is one that could be mis-applied and said to mean that.

The scripture that I am referring to is taken from Joel 3:1-2. It is a warning of the coming doom and destruction of someone in particular that will scatter the people and divide the land of Israel. You can read numerous websites and blogs crying out "woe to them that divide my land" with various views of this thought. It is commonly believed that if anyone negotiates a division of the land in Israel it will bring destruction on those that do so. The following scripture is the reality of this meaning and it has to be rightly divided.

Joel 3: 1: For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,
2: I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.

According to Strong’s concordance the word Jehoshaphat means; "Jehovah has judged". The 'valley of Jehoshaphat' is to be understood as a general term for the place or part of the world for God's final judgment on those enemies of Israel." The Key to understanding the scriptures in Joel 3:1-2 is to actually read what it says.

It will be in the last days when God comes to bring the final deliverance to Israel and the city of Jerusalem.
It will be a judgement on those that have invaded and scattered Israel into the nations. After the invasion the victor will divide the land among his own forces that help in the invasion as a spoil. God will judge them for this. This will not occur because of negotiations.
So we must keep these things in mind when we pronounce this terrible woe upon those that are involved in attempting to negotiate a peace in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine. Is this what they are doing? It is very important for you to know that I do not believe that giving away part of Israel to the Palestinians is going to bring any kind of peace. To give away Jerusalem would be catastrophic. I hate the thought of it. You see the radical Muslims in that part of the world does not want there to be peace between the Palestinians and Israel. If Israel gives away this land it will not do any good. The war to drive Israel out of that part of the world will continue because it is the goal of the Islamic people. So negotiating land to the Palestinians is not going to bring peace to Israel or Palestine.

I personally do not believe that God is going to punish the leaders of America and Israel for seeking a peaceful solution to the continued turmoil that goes on in that part of the world. The reason I do not believe this is based on the meaning of the scriptures in Joel 3:1-2 and what Daniel says in the 11th Chapter. I believe that this punishment and judgement will fall on the Antichrist and his nations at the time of Armageddon and this is why.

Daniel 11:39: Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory: and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain.

Notice that this verse says that the Antichrist "shall divide the land for gain." There is only one person in Bible prophecy that fits all the criteria of the four points that the scripture points to in Joel 3:1-2. When the Antichrist invades Israel at the middle of the Tribulation Israel will be overpowered and forced to run for their lives. In Joel it says scattered into the nations. They must flee or be killed. For just a short period of time right after the Antichrist takes over Israel he will divide the land among the Palestinians and some key supporters of his. This he will do to appear to rest of the Muslim nations that he is fulfilling all the prophecies that they have of him as the Mahdi or messiah to come. This will be short lived because the United States and her allies will invade Israel and drive him all the way back to the river Euphrates in Iraq. There, at that time, world war three will erupt. Finally at the end of this period the Antichrist will be enforced by kings from the east that will help him drive the US and her allies all the way back to the city of Jerusalem. It will be at that time that Joel 3:1-2 will take place when Jesus Christ himself comes to fulfill these scriptures and punish these wicked people for driving Israel from their land and dividing the land among themselves.

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