Monday, December 3, 2012

Word of Faith folks say the Gospel is weak without signs and wonders, wow! So Jesus Christ is of no significance to them! Smh A lot of people have no clue what I'm talkin about when I say Word of Faith but if I name famous false Pastors, they will understand. Joyce Meyer, Creflo Dollar, TD Jakes, Paula White, Benny Hinn, an plenty more help represent Word of Faith and are false teachers! If u listen to any of these heretics, u follow Word of Faith which takes so many scriptures out of context and try to manipulate God too...Can't forget my favorite heretic Joel Osteen! Smh Joel Osteen he doesn't speak the Gospel, that's not my opinion, that's TRUTH. he doesn't speak on Jesus Christ dying on the cross, his resurrection, hell, sin, he doesn't even like calling us "sinners" he just a watered down prayer that caters to emotions, he's a motivational speaker an he's even wrong in that as well. if you really love someone, especially those who speak false doctrine you speak the truth an pray for them... that's that Joel Osteen mindset. Bible tells us to expose false doctrine & pray that they seek repentance, not support em...if you don't speak about hell, sin, how depraved man is, you cancel out half the Bible.the good news is that Jesus died for your sins and if you don't repent, your going to end up in hell. Seek GOD, not his hands...the doctrine Joel Osteen an a lot of others are on called "Word of Faith" its a false doctrine that exalts man an not God...Theology should never stem from experience, every aspect an word of it should be biblical. nothing is false about prosperity but biblically, prosperity always meant spiritually, never materialistically. whether we are rich or poor, we serve and worship Jesus Christ. Wealth should not be a Christians motive, it was never God's....bottom line is, Joel Osteen among many others, is a false teacher leading his congregation to hell.they can, by speaking the true Gospel of Jesus Christ & save people rather than preach heresy to send em to hell!read Matthew 19:23-24. Wealth is definitely a problem, an this is from Jesus's mouth.

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