Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I lived in a lesbian relationship for years before.... I knew what Gods word said about it and still I ignored it. I tried to justify and reason but the hardcore TRUTH is God has made it clear.... It is a SIN. And those that DELIBERATLY (Hebrews10:26-27) sin will suffer the consequences. Its all about the person wanting their own way and living by their flesh and selfishness rather than by the Spirit and
 selflessness. GODS WORD IS CLEAR, theres no twisting it, making excuses or making it fit to your lifestyle......PERIOD.....those that live this way will NOT inherate the kingdom of God! I THANK GOD HE DELIVERED ME......BECAUSE I WANTED DELIVERANCE AND I ASKED FOR IT! It is sad those that live in a homosexual relationship feel and think they are being JUDGED when it is brought to their awareness, which is not true! It is called CORRECTION (exhortation). Which we as Christians are supposed to do! There is a difference! The Bible calls those that reject correction FOOLS (Proverbs).... But the ones who recieve it are WISE. I thank God for thise that corrected me, they saved me from the pit and eternal death. As King David said: Psalm 141:5-Let e righteous man strike me-it is a kindness; let him rebuke me-it is oil on my head. My head will not refuse it!

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