Wednesday, December 12, 2012

1906 Azusa Street Prophecy
In 1906, in the original Pentecostal meetings at Azusa Street in Los Angeles, the following prophecy was made and recorded.

"In the last days just before the return of Christ: 
In Pentecostal circles, there will be an over-emphasis on power rather than righteousness.
There will be an emphasis on praise to a God they no longer pray to.
And there will be an emphasis on gi
fts rather than the Lordship of Jesus Christ."

It seems what the Holy Spirit said to the Pentecostal Church over a hundred years ago speaks with alarming accuracy to our times. We would do well to listen carefully to these words. I believe as Pentecostal/Charismatic believers we need to pray for extra discernment in these days. We need to have Scriptures like Deut 12:32-13:4; Matt 7:21-23; 12:39; 24:22-28; Rev 13 included in our theology on signs and wonders so that our people are taught to be discerning. I believe God is a God of signs and wonders. I believe he is the same yesterday, today and forever. The same God who gave his people the warning in Deuternonomy did signs and wonders on their behalf. Jesus who warned his disciples (and us) in Matthew did signs and wonders in their midst. However scriptures like these teach us to be discerning. We do not trust people because they have powerful ministries, we trust people because they speak the truth of God.

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