That war has already begun. Who are the players? What will happen?
"And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men. And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them," Revelation 9:13-16.
In Revelation 8 and 9, John described seven "trumpets" of the endtime. My article entitled, "The Seven Trumpets of Revelation" explains the entire subject. That article shows that the first five trumpets have already sounded, and we are right now in the era of the Sixth Trumpet. Lest you insist that all seven trumpets will occur after the rapture, I remind you that the rapture of the church and the second coming of Jesus Christ will occur "at the last trump."
"Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed," I Corinthians 15:51-52.
The seventh and last trumpet calls the saints of God to meet Jesus Christ in the air to attend with Him the battle of Armageddon, where He will triumph over all His enemies and establish His kingdom on earth.
Therefore, we must come to terms with the reality that all the previous trumpets will have already sounded before the rapture of the church. That means that living believers will see and hear these powerfully significant prophetic signs take place. I urge you to read my companion article entitled, "The Seven Trumpets." You will see that the first five trumpets have already sounded.
Although many people are familiar with the term "Armageddon," very few of them actually know what the Bible says about that fearsome battle. Saddam Hussein called the Gulf War of 1991 the "mother of all wars," but the Gulf War will be dwarfed by both the Sixth and Seventh Trumpet Wars.
Before Armageddon takes place, John said that he saw another terrifying war during the sounding of the Sixth Trumpet (Revelation 9:16).
The Sixth Trumpet will be the last major war before Armageddon. In this spiritual revelation, John saw the largest army ever assembled. "I heard the number of them," he said. Two hundred million!
That will be the largest army that has ever fought in the history of the world! Think about it! A 200-million-man army! And that army is scheduled to march very soon.
This incomprehensible battle, according to John, begins when four angels or spirits are loosed in the region of the Euphrates River. It is a horrible calamity that will kill fully one-third of the population of the earth - more than two BILLION people!
Look at any map of the region to see the local nations that will be involved in this war. They are the nations touched by the Euphrates River:

The Sixth Trumpet War begins along the Euphrates River. The Euphrates originates in Turkey, and flows through Syria and Iraq. Then it converges with the Tigris River, which then borders IRAN. Anyone who hears the daily news should know that these four nations are extremely volatile trouble spots for military conflicts nowadays. The prophecies even imply that the nation of Iraq, once controlled by the regime of Saddam Hussein, will be a notable part of this final showdown. The presence of radical Shia and Sunni Moslems, plus Al Qaeda and Hezbollah throughout this region guarantees that there will continue to be increasing hostilities.
The population of these countries today is: Turkey - 77 million; Syria - 19.4 million; Iraq - 29 million; Iran - 70 million. The total population of that region is 195.4 million. Obviously, a 200-million-man army cannot come from these nations alone.

Admittedly, radical Islamic extremism might now be capable of calling a 200-million-man army, but at this time it seems highly unlikely. In the light of China's cooperation with Iran and Syria (both openly and covertly), it appears to be fairly certain that China will league with Iran and Syria, somehow engaging Iraq and Turkey as well, to attempt to defeat Israel and the west. The entire international community is familiar with the loathings of radical Islamic fundamentalists who scream "Death to Israel! Death to the United States!" Their rabid anti-Zionism, anti-American hatred will not die, but will escalate into the worst conflagration in the history of human conflicts.
Every day, the evidence mounts that China will be tightly leagued with Russia and many of the Islamic nations in a powerful new anti-Israel political and military alliance from which this 200-million-man army will ultimately come.
I will show that actual alliance to you in this article. I will show you HARD EVIDENCE that there IS, right now, a massive coalition forming between these very nations just mentioned with China, Russia and several extremist Islamo-fascist nations in that neighborhood.

Iran and Pakistan are hotbeds of Islamo-fascist extremists, including Al Qaeda, led by Osama Bin Laden, and the terrorist Iranian Revolutionary Guard, which supports the enormous terrorist extremists, Hezbollah. Together, they are Israel's public enemy Number One.
Pakistan is arguably the most explosive political situation in the world today. It is a nuclear-empowered country that is in grave danger of falling into the hands of the likes of the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden. For more commentary on this situation, please read my brand new article on PAKISTAN IN BIBLE PROPHECY.
This is a convoluted mess. On one hand, it seems impossible to predict what may happen when these nations join forces, but I can't see how it can possibly be good news for either Israel or the United States and Western democracy.
It seems inevitable (to me) that China, Russia, Iran, Syria, perhaps Pakistan and Afghanistan will team up to finally squash the entire Zionist and American presence in the Middle East. This would definitely fit the description of the SIXTH TRUMPET WAR!! And it is ESCALATING even as we speak!
On February 26, 2008, the Parliament Speaker of Kyrgyzstan, Adahan Madumarov, proposed that the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization) should form a Parliament Assembly. This is a MAJOR, MAJOR news development! His proposal was submitted to the President of the SCO, Kurmanbek Bakiev, who welcomed the initiative.
What is the significance of the SCO forming a Parliament? It will consolidate the Communist/Islamic nations of the East in the most formidable new political entity on planet earth. It will catapult the SCO into the world league of powers and almost instantly place it into the same ballpark as the European Union and NATO. This new non-democratic, communistic, pro-Muslim, anti-Semitic, anti-Western, anti-NATO Parliament is destined to change the face of world politics dramatically.
For the first time in history, there will be a unified Parliament representing a conglomeration of Russia, China, Kazakhstan (a nation scarcely known in the west, yet four times the size of Texas), and several central Asian communist-Islamic nations, AND Iran, Pakistan and maybe even, eventually, Afghanistan. The SCO threatens to be the biggest challenge ever to Western Democratic ideology and politic.
But most significantly, is what the SCO represents in the context of Bible prophecy. The SCO may quickly rise up to be the political and military beast that finally comes to the Middle East to crush Israel. Don't miss that point!
Do not forget that these nations are the homeland to the world's most oppressive and despotic governments. Furthermore, several of them are the host nations for the world's worst terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda and the Taliban. These nations share massive "underground" networks trafficking opium, heroin, and other illicit drugs that support the terrorist organizations. Their drug lords and mafia-like war-lords wield enormous power in these countries. Additionally, illicit arms traders in both China and the Muslim nations where the Taliban and Al Qaeda operate could easily provide all the missing links to a Sixth Trumpet scenario.
If and when this happens, it could very easily fulfill all the prophecies of the Sixth Trumpet War.
Only God knows the potential holocausts that could ensue if Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan or Syria drag China into the fray. If a nuclear war breaks out, the entire Middle East could easily go up in smoke.
Revelation 9:14 speaks of four spirits being loosed in the area of the Euphrates River, which runs through Iraq.
In verse 15, "And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men."
The very next verse introduces the 200,000,000-man army. I believe that theFOUR HORSES of Zechariah 6 and Revelation 6 are those four spirits that break out into war around the Euphrates. The American Standard Version calls them the four spirits that "patrol the earth."
The forces of Capitalism, Communism, Catholicism and Islam are converging RIGHT NOW on the Middle East. This unspeakably horrific SIXTH TRUMPET War is developing RIGHT NOW as a CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS between Capitalism, Communism, Catholicism and Islam in the area of the Euphrates River. It is NOT going to be pretty, but it IS going to fulfill Bible Prophecy, and it IS going to IMMEDIATELY PRECEED the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ at Armageddon.
What will precipitate a battle of such magnitude? What could be the motive behind a 200-million-man army marching into the middle east?
The west's military industrial complex has produced a menagerie of today’s sophisticated weaponry: stealth jets, intercontinental ballistic missiles, tanks, high-tech warfare tools as spy satellites, reconnaissance planes, aircraft carriers, and more. That hardly prepares them for a massive conventional ground warfare (old-fashioned foot soldiers) of this magnitude.
In these days of exorbitant oil and gas prices, and talk of shortages and energy dependence, and cries of "drill here, drill now," China's explosive economic growth is a cause for grave concern.
China's need for oil is growing at a staggering pace. The Middle East is the most likely place for China to get its oil, and it will get it, if necessary, by force. The Euphrates region is fabulously oil-rich. China has a long history of co-operation with Iran and Syria, economically, politically and militarily. Every day, China has more incentive for forming stronger alliances with the oil-rich Muslim nations.
These alliances will come with increasing threats to the west. Any new links between China and the Muslim world will invariably smack of anti-Semitic and anti-Western hostilities.
China has already demonstrated to the world its eagerness to act swiftly in matters pertaining to political upheavals among its neighbors. Hong Kong, Taiwan, Tibet, Korea, Cambodia, and Vietnam have all felt Beijing breathing down their necks in modern times.
China strongly desires to maintain and expand dominance in the Asian community. (The Gulf War, however, may have taught them a painful lesson about what happens when modern warfare is waged with the advanced weaponry of Western powers against outdated weaponry such as theirs.)
China has conducted Nuclear Testing more recently than the other superpowers, and appears anxious to flex its muscles to assert its presence in the region. They conducted intimidating military exercises against Hong Kong during its transition from British rule to Chinese.
New threats are developing in the region.
In November 1997, unexpected election results in Taiwan raised the possibility of an international crisis. The old communist KMT government was suddenly unseated by the Democratic Progressive Party, and the consensus was boiling to declare independence from Beijing.
Eight of Washington’s elite military and diplomatic personalities were rushed to the region to try to diffuse any potential flare-up of tensions from Beijing.
The United States has recurrently warned China not to interfere with Taiwan, and China has recurrently warned the United States not to interfere. Obviously, the risk of serious trouble is running pretty high.
But the real showdown between China and the West may end up being in the Middle East if and when the Muslim world enlists China's assistance in the anti-American, anti-Israeli confrontation. The record shows that China has already been engaged in illicit sales of nuclear armaments to Muslim nations. Many of the Muslim nations in the Middle East are client states of China. The de facto alliance already exists. Both China and the Muslim nations have a similar interest in maintaining control of the oilfields of the Middle East. It may be that China joins with the Muslim nations in a cataclysmic confrontation with both Israel and the West in the near future, probably over the oil wealth of that region.
Nuclear Powers in India and Pakistan
In the summer of 1998, both India and Pakistan conducted Nuclear testing in their countries. Meanwhile, China, in July 1998, deployed six new ICBMs, loaded with nuclear warheads. That adds to 14 others that were already deployed. While the United States is certainly one of their perceived enemies, no one can deny that the entire Asian region is a hotbed of potential conflict. CHINA, PAKISTAN, and INDIA are all potential nuclear forces to be feared.
Most alarming, is the possibility that a nuclear showdown between these nations could EASILY KILL ONE-THIRD of humanity. There are 2.68 BILLION people living in the region.
That could easily become a fulfillment of the prophecy of Revelation 9:15, "And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men." The very next verse introduces the 200,000,000-man army (presumably China and its coalition partners).
Many Asian leaders hold the view that the United States must remain politically, economically, and militarily engaged in the Asian-Pacific to ensure stability. Others believe, however, that the US will ultimately withdraw, leading to regional instability. Consequently, many countries are attempting to forge new ties with the United States.
A TWIST: China has "New World Order" connections.

Some students of prophecy would recognize the connection with behind-the-scenes international banking forces. This suggests that China is moving toward compliance with, and may actually be complicit with New World Order operatives (i.e., Big Brother).
HERE IS AN INTERESTING ASIDE, for what it's worth:
Revelation 9:17 says,
"And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone."
Do these colors reveal the powers behind a 200-million-man army?
I will remind you that global politics, however influential, are nevertheless subservient to global economics.
Let me state that in other terms. Before you get TOO worried about who will win the struggles between CAPITALISTS and COMMUNISTS, remember that BOTH SIDES are controlled by Central Banks and the International Banking System. Remember Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild's historic, albeit infamous statement in 1791: "Allow me to issue and control a nation's currency, and I care not who makes its laws."
With that, let me remind you that the New World Order rules the world through the banking system, chiefly the Bank For International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland. That means they control capitalist nations, communist nations, Muslim nations and Christian nations all the same. By further deduction, the NWO rules the central banks in the US, CHINA, IRAN and ISRAEL all the same. (For what it's worth, the President of Israel, Shimon Peres, is a SOCIALIST.)
I know that a lot of people cringe at such "conspiracy theory babble" but there can be no denying - through the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the Bank of International Settlements, the World Trade Organization and a hodge-podge of other extremely powerful international financial institutions, that every nation on earth has become a slave to the money-mongers. Whether you want to believe it or not, the international bankers truly rule the world.
With that said, I am going to also remind you that the Bible prophesies that the seven-headed, ten-horned beast of Revelation (representing the Antichrist, the Mark of the Beast, and World Government) was SCARLET. That means RED. That means SOCIALISTIC. Expect the end-time World Government to be entirely Socialist. That spells GLOBAL SOCIALISM.
In a word, the New World Order fully intends to paint the globe RED - Socialist. That means that America is NOT going to succeed at turning the Middle East into a Democratic Republic. That means that SOCIALIST COMMUNISTS are going to prevail in the Middle East.
Do not be surprised to see the New World Order marching a SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST army into the Middle East to "settle" all the conflicts.
Two major Bible prophecies support this conclusion:
* 200 million men (Chinese or Islamic) attack from the EAST
* the GOG-MAGOG (Russian) Army attacks from the NORTH (Ezekiel 37).
This is probably a long shot, but I think it's at least worth a mention. Let's look at that verse again.
Revelation 9:17 says,
"And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone."
The COLORS of these breastplates (shields) were RED, BLUE and YELLOW:
* Fire-RED
* Jacinth-BLUE
* Brimstone- YELLOW
The New World Order has evolved from its roots in the International Banking System established by the Rothschilds The very name, Rothschild, means RED SHIELD.
The shield and colors of the Rothschild family on their coat of arms is BLUE and YELLOW. China is firmly controlled by a sophisticated Central Banking system that is fully compliant with the Bank for International Settlements in essentially the very same way as the US Federal Reserve controls America.
Was John telling us that the 200 million soldiers would be marching under the NEW WORLD ORDER colors? Or New World Order directives? Can it be that the secretive New World Order will use these primitive conventional means of warfare to attempt to crush the Middle East and convert it entirely to Socialism? I think so. But this Sixth Trumpet War may be intended for a much larger purpose than crushing Israel. This may be America's last stand.
The Sixth Trumpet War may spell the end of America's democratic republic. This may ultimately spell the overthrow of America by world-wide socialism. Don't say it can never happen.
Additional support for that theory comes from the fact that China has recently overhauled the Central Bank. The Central Bank is Big Brother’s number one power tool over any government. That indicates the increasing control of the New World Order gang, even inside the Great Wall.
Simply put, the entire NEW WORLD ORDER is headed for Scarlet-colored Socialism (including America) that will be complicit with Islam in rising up ominously against Israel. The pro-Israel American stance that was the hallmark of the 20th Century will be forever gone. Israel is destined, by prophecy, to see all the nations of the world come against her to destroy her. THAT is when Jesus will come.
In case you do not understand what I have just said, let me say it plainly. The Sixth Trumpet War (in which two billion people will die) may be won by Communism and Islam (from Russia, China, and Iran), and Capitalism and Christianity may be sorely defeated (a devastating American defeat) just before Jesus comes to turn the tide at Armageddon.
First of all I'd like to be clear in that, the seals, trumpets and bowl judgments are each individual plagues of wrath. In other words, the 6th trumpet is not the same event as the 6th bowl judgment but are two separate events.
ReplyDeleteThe scripture states that it is these four angels who are bound at the Euphrates river and their army who kill a third of mankind world-wide and is not the angels getting me to kill men. The fact that they are bound demonstrates that they are not God's holy angels, but are fallen.
John describes the horses and riders, with them being or looking like actual horses until you get to the head, which are like or resemble lions heads. And out of their mouths comes fire, smoke and sulfur. Therefore, these are anything but your every day run-of-the-mill horses. I say this because John knows what a horse looks like. And he doesn't say they looked something like a horse, but says "the horses." In other words, since John knows what a horse looks like, he's not going to call something that doesn't even resemble a horse as being one.
Since the Abyss was opened at the 5th trumpet and remains open until Satan is cast in, I believe that this army of 200 million could have come from there. In any case, I believe this army to be demonic. What kind of horses have fire, smoke and sulfur coming from their mouths? The fact that it is the army of these four fallen angels would also demonstrate that they are not the armies of mankind. I repeat: it is not men killing men, but those four angels and their armies killing mankind.
And regarding your last paragraph, the church will not even be here on the earth during the time of the seals, trumpets and bowl Judgments. And that because the seals, trumpets and bowl judgments all make up the wrath of God. Therefore, the church must be removed before the first seal is opened because we are not appointed to suffer God's coming wrath. In further support of this, the last time the word ekklesia translated as church is used is at the end of chapter 3 of Revelation and then does not appear again until chapter 22:16. The church is never mentioned within the narrative of God's wrath.