Tuesday, December 4, 2012

All spirits are subject and fear Jesus Christ and thus they do not want people to look to Christ as their Savior. Jesus even granted His 12 disciples “…power and authority over all demons“  and they returned stunned at their new ability. Participating in occult activities keeps people far from God’s Word and opens one up to demonic influence and possession.For all the gods of the nations are [demons]: but the LORD made the heavens. “ (Psalm 96:5) Rather than call things like fortune-telling and witchcraft a bunch of fiction, the Bible readily addresses it as a real spiritual activity ,By luring people into white or black magic, the devil has succeeded in keeping the person for that time, away from the true God of the Bible,The evil spirits are the enemies of humanity but will often present themselves as “helpers” or “guides” or even dead relatives.Humans are not equipped to handle all of this confusing deception and this is why the Bible says stay away.Rather than seeking to contact “the spirits”, society should be concerned about their souls --and look to God for forgiveness and eternal life in Heaven through Jesus Christ.Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded. (James 4:8) When we seek God with a desire to be forgiven for our sins, He will draw closer and make Himself more real and present.If ur a Christian and u are dabbling in these activities, repent. And if u are not a Christian, know that there truly is a spiritual world, We do have souls and a war is being fought for them. Satan will use any means to entice people into his snare. Do not be deceived, The good news is that through Jesus Christ, we can know the future.A born again Christian can know with 100% certainty that they are going to Heaven and eternal life.That is by far the best future prediction anyone can hope for.  A fallen angel is fallen for a reason. He lost. There is only one true God and you can only get to him through his Son.Satan's just mad because he's a loser. And he wants you to lose too. By any means necessary.

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