This was posted 1.19.13
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Worsening economic problems in Europe, as money is withdrawn from banks in Greece. The 3rd horseman of the apocalypse economic chaos rides, European economic collapse in 2013-2014. Note that this is a case of "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions". Good intentions: the Euro single currency seemed like a good idea. Road to Hell: some of the countries (Greece and others) with uncontrolled deficits and borrowing dragged down all of Europe's economy. And the 3rd horseman is riding on this Road to Hell in Europe. Watch out for Russia and Putin taking over some areas of Europe such as Greece if Greece's economy collapses. The Russians may want to make Greece a Russian naval base, and may be able to purchase some of Greece cheaply because of Greek debts.
Feb. 13 2012. 5.6 quake, Northern California coast.
Feb. 15 2012. 6.0 quake off the coast of Oregon, in the U.S.. This is a major concern, because a giant magnitude 8 quake (see this page) could occur underwater off the coast of the Pacific Northwest U.S., causing a giant tidal wave that could go miles inland in the U.S. - Oregon, Washington state, and Northern California, and also hit Japan. This 6.0 quake off Oregon could indicate a larger 8 or 9 quake could occur soon there, underwater off the coast on the Cascadia undersea fault line.
the lion is Iran, where before the Islamic Revolution Iran had a Lion on its flag, indicating a Russia-China-Iran military alliance, with Russia helping Iran build the A-Bomb by helping it with its nuclear program, and Russia has been selling military equipment such as missles to Iran. Osama bin Laden is "The Destroyer", an evil demon from Hell in Revelation 9:11. There are actually two evil beasts forming: the red beast of the Antichrist and the terrorist dragon of Al Qaida.
A tidal wave hits the U.S. East Coast including Florida, and Al Qaida may use nuclear weapons
Ebola disease may turn airborne resulting in a major outbreak
An asteroid hits in the ocean, causing a giant tidal wave, and splitting into 7 pieces, so 7 impacts; and also a disease plague.
The giant star Eta Carinae could turn into a giant supernova.
Feb. 15 2013. A small Asteroid 2012 DA14 passes very close to earth, about 20000 miles from it.
March 2013. Comet C/2011 L4 PANSTARRS could be a very bright comet in March 2013. Since it was discovered in Hawaii it could relate to President Obama, who was born in Hawaii, possibly President Obama could improve the economy or make progress in an international crisis in March 2013.
April 13, 2013. 60 years, 6 months, 6 days (666) since Putin birth date Oct. 7 1952.
May 19 2013. An 11-11-11 Astrology pattern, with 3 planets at 11 degrees:
Venus 11 Gemini (Air sign).
Uranus 11 Aries (Fire sign).
Pluto 11 Capricorn (Earth sign).
May 10, 2013. Annular solar eclipse seen in New Zealand and Australia. The Astrology chart has a planet cluster in Taurus-Gemini - Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars. Note that it is in the Southern Hemisphere, indicating that Hope will come from the Southern Hemisphere.
Interpreting this prophecy, the aquatic triplicity could be interpreted as being the Grand Water Trine, of planets in the three water signs. And note that Thursday is mentioned, and Thursday is "Thor's Day", Thor being the Scandinavian equivalent of the Roman God Jupiter. In mythology Thor battles the world-encircling serpent, Jormungandr the Midgard serpent or world serpent, at Ragnarok, the battle at the end of the world. Also, concerning Thursday the holiday of Thanksgiving is on a Thursday, so this may be referring to the U.S..
And another interpretation of this quatrain says that it is a prophecy of a hero coming from the U.S., who appears during a time of trouble in the East. The aquatic triplicity could be that the U.S. is surrounded by 3 bodies of water - the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and the Gulf of Mexico; and Thursday as a holiday could relate to Thanksgiving, a major American holiday. Perhaps this unknown man (who may not have appeared yet) from the U.S. is the returned Christ, or one of the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11 (two prophets who appear during the End Times events), and this man is a force for good in the world.
July 29, 2013. This Astrology chart shows a hexagon shaped astrology pattern on that date, could that relate to the "new heaven and new earth"? These 2 rare astrology patterns in July 2013 indicate it is a time of change for the world.
Feb. 13 2012. 5.6 quake, Northern California coast.
Feb. 15 2012. 6.0 quake off the coast of Oregon, in the U.S.. This is a major concern, because a giant magnitude 8 quake (see this page) could occur underwater off the coast of the Pacific Northwest U.S., causing a giant tidal wave that could go miles inland in the U.S. - Oregon, Washington state, and Northern California, and also hit Japan. This 6.0 quake off Oregon could indicate a larger 8 or 9 quake could occur soon there, underwater off the coast on the Cascadia undersea fault line.
the lion is Iran, where before the Islamic Revolution Iran had a Lion on its flag, indicating a Russia-China-Iran military alliance, with Russia helping Iran build the A-Bomb by helping it with its nuclear program, and Russia has been selling military equipment such as missles to Iran. Osama bin Laden is "The Destroyer", an evil demon from Hell in Revelation 9:11. There are actually two evil beasts forming: the red beast of the Antichrist and the terrorist dragon of Al Qaida.
A tidal wave hits the U.S. East Coast including Florida, and Al Qaida may use nuclear weapons
Ebola disease may turn airborne resulting in a major outbreak
An asteroid hits in the ocean, causing a giant tidal wave, and splitting into 7 pieces, so 7 impacts; and also a disease plague.
The giant star Eta Carinae could turn into a giant supernova.
Feb. 15 2013. A small Asteroid 2012 DA14 passes very close to earth, about 20000 miles from it.
March 2013. Comet C/2011 L4 PANSTARRS could be a very bright comet in March 2013. Since it was discovered in Hawaii it could relate to President Obama, who was born in Hawaii, possibly President Obama could improve the economy or make progress in an international crisis in March 2013.
April 13, 2013. 60 years, 6 months, 6 days (666) since Putin birth date Oct. 7 1952.
May 19 2013. An 11-11-11 Astrology pattern, with 3 planets at 11 degrees:
Venus 11 Gemini (Air sign).
Uranus 11 Aries (Fire sign).
Pluto 11 Capricorn (Earth sign).
May 10, 2013. Annular solar eclipse seen in New Zealand and Australia. The Astrology chart has a planet cluster in Taurus-Gemini - Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars. Note that it is in the Southern Hemisphere, indicating that Hope will come from the Southern Hemisphere.
Interpreting this prophecy, the aquatic triplicity could be interpreted as being the Grand Water Trine, of planets in the three water signs. And note that Thursday is mentioned, and Thursday is "Thor's Day", Thor being the Scandinavian equivalent of the Roman God Jupiter. In mythology Thor battles the world-encircling serpent, Jormungandr the Midgard serpent or world serpent, at Ragnarok, the battle at the end of the world. Also, concerning Thursday the holiday of Thanksgiving is on a Thursday, so this may be referring to the U.S..
And another interpretation of this quatrain says that it is a prophecy of a hero coming from the U.S., who appears during a time of trouble in the East. The aquatic triplicity could be that the U.S. is surrounded by 3 bodies of water - the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and the Gulf of Mexico; and Thursday as a holiday could relate to Thanksgiving, a major American holiday. Perhaps this unknown man (who may not have appeared yet) from the U.S. is the returned Christ, or one of the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11 (two prophets who appear during the End Times events), and this man is a force for good in the world.
July 29, 2013. This Astrology chart shows a hexagon shaped astrology pattern on that date, could that relate to the "new heaven and new earth"? These 2 rare astrology patterns in July 2013 indicate it is a time of change for the world.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
7 World-Changing Predictions For 2013
Source: American Overkill - Overall the world is heading towards a more positive future, even though in the short term it does not seem like it. We cannot avoid the coming new World Order; it’s inevitable and part of our destiny. The Elite-Controllers think they are establishing the New World Order to benefit the same “families” that have manipulated themselves into power positions centuries ago. But, ultimately, they are destroying their own power base. The New World Order will eventually be about humanity evolving, taking responsibility, and reaching higher potential. The old way is giving way to the new and that is what all the chaos is about.
Here are seven predictions for 2013 that may very well change the world, or at least get change in motion.
Prediction One
North Korea’s Supreme leader Kim Jong-un will end the isolation of his nation and make several State visits to the West.
Currently, North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, is setting the stage for opening business relations with the West. Kim has recently started laying the ground work for economic development by enlisting the aid of Germany. This is going to be a major geo-economic and geo-political change. The United States is advising Westerners, such as Google’s Eric Schmidt and politician Bill Richardson to abandon their planned visit to North Korean, and the State Department has made it clear they are not associated in any way with their visit. Why does the United States object to the possibility of North Korea opening its doors? It could be just a bit of posturing on the part of the U.S. Eric Schmidt has ties to the Council on Foreign Relations, and he is also the 138th richest man in the world, which equates into one word: power. The United States is not one to ignore people with power and money. North Korea has allegedly been involved with supplying American enemies with weapons, which is why the U.S. is publicly being cautious on this.
Prediction Two
Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez will succumb to cancer and pass away (Hopefully, this one does not come true).
Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez will succumb to cancer and pass away (Hopefully, this one does not come true).
This will create civil unrest in Venezuela, as Capitalist interests make a move towards gaining power. Much of the socialist programs that Chavez implemented will be removed if the capitalists gain control of the nation and its oil industry. This will ensure civil unrest and possibly civil war. The U.S. will be in the background fanning the flames, and obviously siding with the capitalists. This will further move South America into the lime-light in the on-going globalization and centralization of the planet. The disruption could likely draw other South American countries into turmoil.
Prediction Three
More Manufacturing and production jobs will return to the United States but low wages will be offered instead of the mid-income range they used to be.
Companies that off-shored departments or entire business to India, China, and other developing nations will continue to slow and the process of Return will noticeably increase. It will never be the same as it used to be, though. Companies will return, but pay much lower wages and offer few benefits. The companies will also return to states that offer tax incentives and lower their environmental protection laws. An increasingly economically desperate nation will comply. So, the positive side of returning manufacturing will be offset by negative factors.
This has always been part of the globalizing and centralizing goals of the Elite-controllers, and is part of the modern-day feudal system that is being set up. Off-shoring was encouraged, which helped globalize the planet further and also has helped the Elite-controllers destroy some of the better qualities of the West, including the rugged individualism that stimulated the creativity the West is known for.
Prediction Four
Major Earth changes will continue, with 2013 bringing in record numbers of storms and other natural disasters.
Storms like Hurricane Sandy and other awful natural disasters all over the planet are becoming common place. The earth changes will become even more violent during 2013, but we will also find out the real cause, which has nothing to do with cars. The establishment knows what is causing the Earth changes but is not telling the public. This is about to change.
Prediction Five
No war with Iran.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s term as President of Iran ends in August 2013. He has said that he will not return to office in the future as Vladimir Putin did in Russia. Like Venezuela, his vacancy of office will cause a void in Iran that will be filled by a more Western friendly regime, which will cooperate more fully with Western Central Banks and Israel. There will be NO war with Iran. No nuclear war will happen. That is the good news. The bad news is the Western Global Elite-Controllers will be closer to One World Government more than ever.
By August, Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad and his family will be in exile and the Syrian nation in ruins, just like Libya.
The end of 2013 will usher in the new “Dark Ages”, where poverty is the rule, and the Elite-controllers dominate all facets of our lives. This modern day feudal system will never fully get off the ground, however, because people all over the world are going to be forced to look within for answers. More people will seek spiritual answers to worldly problems.
Prediction six
The North American Union of the United States, Canada, and Mexico becomes plausible with calls for its creation and integration with the United Kingdom.
This would greatly benefit many of the “families” like the “royal” family of Great Britain, because they would gain a larger tax base in which to feed off. The Germans could be cautiously disentangling themselves from the UK and the European Union, choosing to establish stronger economic ties with Russia, China, Brazil, Iran, and North Korea.
The British, a once proud people, have nothing to offer the planet except their psychopathic financial district, the City of London. For this reason they will continue to push for gun confiscation in the U.S., to ensure a disarmed people when they integrate the coming North American Union and the United Kingdom. National Public Radio, as well as other stations, already regularly host the BBC News. Piers Morgan and other Brits are establishing themselves within the American Media circuits. The alignment is entirely for future propaganda to get the American people to give up their Constitution and become subject to their so-called “royal” family. This will cause a lot of trouble in the U.S. During 2013 we’ll see more openly aggressive voices calling for the NAU and eventual integration with the U.K.
Prediction Seven
Planned cultural decline will escalate in the West.
An example is the continuing push of porn into the R-rated movie stream, as well as using violence for entertainment, such as rape in video-games. Hollywood movies will continue to add harder and harder porn to their R-rated movies, moving porn closer to the “norm” for movie-goers, who are like voyeurs peeping through a window. An example of this is the recent movie called “Killer Joe“, starring Matthew McConaughey, Emile Hirsch and Juno Temple, and directed by William Friedkin.
The goal of Killer Joe is the depiction of “white trailer trash”. The movie revolves around a family (father, step-mom, son, and daughter) plotting the murder of the biological mother..all for a $50K insurance policy. Every character in the movie could be considered at worse, a psychopath, and at best a twisted sick individual. There’s another movie out called “Hick”, which is also a “white trash” movie and comes complete with the now-typical actress with injected lips (designed to stimulate thoughts of blow-jobs). There’s even a movie called “Poor White Trash”, as well as the popular 1993 movie “the Addams Family Values”, which literally shows white-anglo children (blonds) being tortured (roasted over fires). Not that other races and religions are not attacked: there are plenty of degrading movies depicting Mexicans, Blacks, and Muslims.
Cultural degradation is a tool of the Elite-controllers. It was known 5000 years ago that the way to destroy a nation was to degrade and demoralize the nation as explained in the Bhagavad Gita. This was done by first destroying the women. Today, Western societies lured women into decadent living by co-opting the women’s movement, which was originally a practical and evolutionary movement to free women from patriarchy. In the beginning it was good. But the movement was quickly co-opted by people like Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, and Bella Abzug. It was turned into a “sexual revolution”, which nobody has really defined except to encourage women (and men) into promiscuous behavior, which ultimately hurts them physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Ultimately, people are getting sick of all the liberal “do-as-you-please” with no consequences lifestyles and attitudes. Many of us, both men and women, are getting tired of this IN-YOUR-FACE bombardment of voyeurism and violence. A new age of responsibility is beginning to take hold slowly but surely. The cultural decline will continue in 2013, peak within the next year or two, and then we will see increasing emphasis on personal responsibility and spiritual interest.
Other expected events for 2013
Many people are predicting a major cyber-attack that will lead to new laws favoring the Elite-Controllers. There’s sure been enough in the news about the possibility, even on mainstream media. Let’s hope this does not happen, but since the Elite-Controllers would be first to benefit a false flag cyber attack could be on the agenda.
We’ve also had our fill of disaster scenarios regarding the economy in the U.S. as well as Europe and the rest of the world. It probably won’t be as bad as some of these doomsday predictions say, but changes are definitely coming and the good times of ‘eat, drink, and be merry’ will soon be a thing of the past…but is that so bad? Maybe people will become more aware and responsible, instead of drifting through life without a clue and expecting someone else to always take care of the details for them.
Asu Hanna – © American Overkill
Monday, January 7, 2013
New Obama Revelations
New Obama Revelations
Posted on January 3, 2013
I apologize for the messy formatting in this post, it will not correct, it may be too long of a post.
Pastor TD Hale has received another warning from the Lord about Barack Obama. First some excerpts from the warning he received in Dec 2011. There are a lot of things now upon America that you need to be aware of, and prepared for.
(excerpts, Dec 28, 2011)
I saw the president of United States, President Obama, standing on the balcony and I saw in his hands a shotgun. All of a sudden, to my left hand side I heard a loud scream, real loud. When I turned my head to see where the scream was coming from I saw flying high in the air was a majestic eagle flying in the air around Washington DC. I knew that scream. I knew it was an eagle.
I saw all of a sudden the president of United States point that shotgun and shot that eagle dead and it fell to the ground. When it did I looked back up at him and he just had a smile on his face like a smirk. And these were the words I heard in the dream, “I’ve done it and I won’t have to deal with this in my administration.”
Then there was dead silence. Then I heard a voice say “Tell the people that this is my will, that this is my hand, this is the hand of the Almighty both upon the generation of the righteous and the cursed. The righteous will find their way and will know what to do. The cursed will wander around with no compass because the cup is full.”
All of a sudden, things changed in the dream and I began to hear a voice, the voice of God. I saw in front of me a very old antique table. I knew there had been documents signed on this table, special documents. I am hesitant to say this but I saw a voting ballot laying there on the table.
As I looked at the ballot I saw two names on it. I saw the President’s name and I saw Mitt Romney’s name on it. Then all of a sudden I looked and I saw the president of United States name check marked. I knew then what that meant. I looked at the ballot and I saw written on the ballot, “This is the will of the Lord.” Then I woke up.
(Second Dream, Dec 2011 as well)
The very next night I had a second dream in which I saw the American people going into slavery. In this dream I came upon a wooded area where I saw some people that were camping. They were not camping like we normally think. They were hiding. They were all standing by their tents. There were two tents. The people looked tattered. They looked like they had not taken a bath in ages. There were gallon jugs of water and they were trying to light a fire but they didn’t want to bring attention to themselves. But they had already been found out.
I saw some federal officials coming up around and they took these families. They handcuffed the adults and took them to the cars, and they took their children with them. I also saw two elderly people and they took them and put them in the car. I saw the federal agents and they said “We are from the United States government and you are under arrest.”
I knew that these people had been running to get away from being arrested. They took these people to some kind of a processing place. I was standing in front of this building where I watched them being taken in and processed. To me, it was like I was looking at the days of Hitler again. The building looked like it had been modernized and updated and painted, but it looked tattered and things were very run down. I knew they were old military bases that had been shut down. I saw them take the people inside where they were being processed. I even saw them being fingerprinted.
I saw rail cars that came up beside this place. I did not go into the rail cars so I did not see inside them. That frightened me. It really disturbed me. I knew America was in trouble when I saw that. I knew we were headed down a path that was not going to be turned around.
I felt like I had entered into a death camp. What I saw literally sickened me. I knew that America was about to change.
Another Visitation from the Lord – Pastor T.D. Hale Nov. 24th 2012
I was immediately standing in front of the desk in the Oval Office. Standing in the Oval office I was in front of the president. A voice came forth and said, “Weep and howl for the misery that shall come shortly….”
There on the floor of the Oval office was the eagle I saw him shoot back in Dec. He walks from behind that desk with the same smirk I saw on his face and puts his foot on the neck of the eagle. At this point he picks it up by its head and twisted it three times until his head came off from the body.
At that point that voice said, “The spirit of Rehoboam.”
The president of the United States was dressed in total black; Black suit, tie, shirt, shoes, pants, total black. As I was standing in front of him looking directly at him, all of a sudden his chest cavity began to open and his heart was exposed. As I was looking at his heart, thick black, dark mist was swirling around his heart.
At this point he picked up a gavel in his hand which was part wood and part stone. Handle was wood; head of the gavel was stone. He hits a document on the desk and when he did an earthquake hit Washington .
All of a sudden I was standing above the White House and saw the earth open and it went towards the Washington Monument then towards the Jefferson Memorial. At that point an odd color rain started falling (color of fire) and it started slowly coming down and intensified little by little until the waters started rising, the starting point was Washington D.C.
As the waters started rising, I went up a little higher into the atmosphere and saw the map of the United States . The waters left Washington , and begin to flood across the nation. I seen it hit MD, WV, OH, MI, KY, IN, SC and on and on until it covered America .
On the document on the desk of the President was written, “The Final Abomination.”
I begin to hear screams across the nation as if it was a mournful sound. I thought of Noah and what it must have been like for the people outside of the Ark as the flood waters came in and they knew they had not listened to Noah or the voice God gave to them to speak. The screams were as if their lives were over and there was no hope.
As I was still in the air, and I am going to try and explain this as best I can. I saw America in this state of being covered with flood waters and then all of a sudden I saw beams of light quickly coming out of the flood waters like a speed of light quickly going up into the air. Millions it looked like but at that moment I was taken above the earth and then I saw it around the world. Possible the prayers of the saints.
After this point, now I was back to the earth as if I was back to the beginning of all of this. I heard a voice say, “The shifting has begun!” At this point I was looking over top of mega churches and like a flash a voice said, “A breeding ground for sin, the people know not me but play around their calf.” I know that as we enter into the “time of the end” it will not be large churches but homes meetings of where the saints will gather in secret where God will abide and speak in the last days because of the persecution that will come upon this generation.
Then at this point I was looking again at homes of people I knew that loved and served God. I saw the homes of men and women that were gathered together, praying in deep prayers across the nation and a voice that said, “The season is upon the nation. Because you have set the abomination before my eyes, I will set judgment before yours!”
When will these things be? said the voice, “After he will be sworn in.”
Excerpts from our Saviour’s Obama Antichrist prophecies given to Linda Newkirk…..
Nov 20, 2008 just after the first election.
Just know, My Little One, that his roots go deep, that his roots are dark, and that they stretch wide in Communist/Marxist teachings and doctrines, even as I have shown you in a previous vision! For, these words and visions of our Father are also My words and visions to you! Obama has been brought through the ranks and has been deeply indoctrinated and trained in subversive techniques. And, he has been groomed and prepared for this time of world communism and Satanism; for nothing of such a magnitude happens in Satan’s kingdom by chance! But, even so, am I not in all of this?
You, Oh, My People in this nation have refused Me! You have refused our Father! You have forsaken righteousness, preferring instead to follow after the world, and to trust in the arm of the flesh, and to believe in men and their powers! Yes, indeed, to trust in a wicked government to rescue you, to fix your problems and to provide for you!
Now comes the very antichrist into your midst and you see it not! For, you are looking for someone to SAVE you from your own downfall! You are looking to a man to fix the world situation! You are looking to a man to save you from war, to save your houses, to save your jobs and to save your families! Yes, you are looking to a man and I have given you a man, who will lie to you! He will tell you every smooth tale! He will con you with every smooth plan, even as he leads this nation off a cliff, to a point of no return.
Even as he sets up death camps in your midst and even as he executes your families and even as he ravages your land with war and destruction, he will tell you that this if for your own good! Even as he beheads and kills you by the hundreds of thousands, oh yes, he will tell you that the terrorists and the dissidents must be purged.
Oh, yes he will do these things! He will cast you into a third world war and quickly so, to cause you to be attacked and to be annihilated and/or carried away by the foreign soldiers. But, he will not be satisfied with only bringing this nation to its knees. He will look to the whole world, and wish to conquer the whole world; and to bring to its knees the whole economic system in the world.
For, he would have all in the world to bend a knee to him and to worship him. And, many, many will bow and serve him and many, many will worship him and many, many will take the mark of the beast. But, the tried and true will not! My Faithful will not, yet these things shall be; for they are now upon you!
Be not troubled, My Little One, for even so, all of these things must be! I tell you now that Barack Hussein Obama is the antichrist and that the false prophet is also already known and is standing in the shadows. For, now is the time that the world knows, even as I have told you, that Barack Obama is the antichrist and he will rise over this wicked nation! And, know that our Father has placed him here and many, many of you have believed a great lie! Yes, you have first loved a lie!
I have called and sent My prophets throughout this nation to warn you to repent of your wicked ways, and you would not! You would not receive My warnings of correction, but have overwhelmingly scoffed at My warnings to repent, or perish. Therefore, your hour is at hand, wherein I will raise up the antichrist over this land, and you will drink of the bitter cup of your own sins! For, oh so wicked you are, Oh Nation of America! (end excerpts)
(Excerpts from Linda Newkirk’s 2012 prophecies)
Now, My Blessed Child, I tell you about My house! I tell you about My house in this nation! For, I called you, oh House of Israel, from the distant lands to which I scattered you! I kept My promises to you, oh House of Israel, that even as I scattered you, I would bring you together again! But, even as I blessed you and made you great above all nations, I shall now debase you and I shall make you the shame of all nations!
Many will lament you, oh America; for they have idolized you! They have thrived on your vanities and they have sucked up your decadence!
America, land of the whores and whoremongers!
Yes, you, My people of America, oh House of Israel, have dropped your skirts and your trousers for every whore and for every whoremonger, that came along! You have perverted yourselves with every sin of the flesh! You have trampled what is holy and you have idolized every vain thing.
The Idols of America!
Oh, Yes! You have your idols and you have created them all: movie stars; cars; houses; televisions; movies; cell phones; internet phones; video games; lavish vacations; money, and all that it can buy; and sexual perversions of all kinds! Yes, you have glorified bizarre and kinky sex! You have idolized glamour, and clothes, and every new hairdo and every new kind of make-up and all that pertains to this wicked world!
You whorish woman, America, you have put Sodom to shame! Sodom and Gomorrah, two wicked cities! But, you, oh America, you have surpassed these wicked cities with your decadence, and through your movie industries, and through your perverted music, you have polluted the hearts and minds of the people all over the world.
Unbridled Greed!
And, through your unbridled greed and lusts for more and more of this, or that, you have arisen in your military might to conquer every nation on earth! And, you have laid snares for the various leaders of many governments all over the world, that you might enter in and subdue them, take over their governments and trample the rights of the people!
To you wicked, perverted, rotten, lukewarm people, who sit in the greatest numbers of the churches in the Bible Belt, who do you think I am? A dog? That you should serve Me rotten, putrid, and maggot-filled meat! I hate your raucous praises! You will do better to find a saloon, or a bar, and to go there and to throw out your loud, discordant and whorish music to those, who thrive on it!
My house is to be a House of Prayer, you raucous and rowdy bunch! I will not hear your decadent praises, and I will not accept the prayers, which come from lukewarm and sin-filled hearts.
I am wroth with you, you Bible-belt preachers, and if you do not repent in great numbers, I will surely divide the New Madrid fault in such a way that I split this nation into two parts; and I will set a great gulf of water in the middle part of this nation and I will cause the Gulf of Mexico to move inland until I have sufficiently removed you from My sight!
I have warned you, oh you arrogant preachers, for years, even through the words that I have given to My servant, Linda Newkirk. Yes, she has written My words and I have raised up helpers through the years, to help her to get My repentance messages to you! And, Yes! You have received these messages! Vast numbers of you in these churches have received these messages, and vast numbers of you preachers have received these messages! But, you have not repented! You did not repent when you received the repentance messages and you did not cause My people to repent! And, furthermore, you have not repented, even to this day!
A nation, who will not repent!
For many years, I have pleaded with you, oh America, through the mouths of My prophets, through the mouths of some of My preachers, I have pleaded with you to repent! I have extended My grace! I have extended extra time also, by dragging out My works of Revelation Twelve. But, what have you done with the time, oh America? What have you done with the added grace, oh America?
I tell you what you have done, you wicked woman, America! You have prided yourselves in your self-sufficiency. You have whored yourself with your many perverted lovers! You have lifted up the sodomites and you have lauded the unnatural act of same-sex marriage! You cowardly ones have bent down to every perverted demand; for you do not care about any right, or moral codes of ethics, which I have set up among you! You care about this wicked world and every perverted and violent act!
The Invasion of the Foreign Troops!
The Sexual Assaults!
Therefore, as you love perversions, I will send many foreign troops into your midst! They will rape you and your children; and they will carry many of you away to be their sex slaves and sex toys!
The Violent Assaults!
Furthermore, as you love violence, any kind of violence, and idolize violence in movies and fill your homes with violence through movies and television, I will send great violence upon you! I shall raise up foreign armies and I shall send a band of armies upon you! They will invade your nation by air, by sea, and by land and they will rain violence down upon you until few of you are left! They will haul you away in vast numbers and will exterminate you violently! They will shoot you down; for they are cold blooded killers; or they will cut off your heads, for you will die violently in great numbers!
The Violent Mind Control Camps!
But, some of you will be sent to mind control camps and you will suffer much violence as your wicked captors break your will and as they break your minds through violent programming!
The Great Killing of America, The Great Dying!
What will you do, oh America? For, foreign troops are already within your borders. Your demise is being carefully plotted! Your wicked leaders are ready to begin the spreading of the poisonous gases in great measures. They are ready to spread the terrible and incurable plagues among you, for which there are no remedies! They have gained control of your health care and your hospitals will become massive execution camps! Drugs will be willfully withheld from any and all of you, who find yourselves in their care, so that they might hasten your deaths at will.
Your plate is full, oh America! Your plate is full and overflowing with your rottenness and with your decadence.
Violence breeds violence! You have loved violence, oh America; and now violence comes to you! You will now reap it, you harlot daughter! You will reap violence in your streets! Violence in your neighborhoods! Violence in your cities! Violence everywhere! Violence all across this nation as people fight for food, as they fight for water, as they fight for sustenance of any king!
America, the Wicked! The Wolf is Within!
For, I tell you this: there is not one small crack in your whole economic structure! There is a giant abyss! This great economic gap is irreparable! Therefore, soon it will be everyone for himself, or herself! The whole world will see My punishment upon America, The Wicked!
Hear Me in this, you decadent nation! The wolf if not just at your door! The wolf is within your gates and the wolf is already devouring America!
I have warned you that the rumors of the great numbers of foreign troops within your borders are not rumors, but truths! These foreign troops, who have been invited into this nation by your Satanic president and his Satanic allies, will soon accelerate in their assaults against a sleeping nation. These wicked foreign troops will be used to attack you, oh America, in any and every way possible, from weather wars against you, to the gassing of the cities, to subtle and not so subtle attacks on the infrastructure of this nation, from one side of this nation to the other. You are on the way down, oh you arrogant nation of America! Now, you will surely repent or perish!
I am your Father, Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God, yes even your Saviour, and besides me there is NO GOD, and besides Me, there is NO SAVIOUR!
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 6th day of August, 2012, Linda Newkirk
June 30, 2012
My Blessed Child, I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God, yes Jesus, Lord of Lords and King of Kings! I tell you again, that I am One and the Same! I am your Saviour! I am your Redeemer; and I am Most High God; and besides Me, there is none! But, there come those, who wish to quibble, who wish to find fault and who wish to dispute the truth of who I am! And some say, “She speaks to another Jesus! She hears from another God!” But, I tell you, My Blessed Child, that among these very mockers are those, who speak to another god. They speak to another jesus! For, I am not found among them; and these include some of your biggest critics, who control the churches, and who mock these works.
But, now, My Blessed Child, I come to you and I tell you a very important thing! And, this very important word is about to accelerate all of My judgements in the earth! Yes, people will look here and they will look there and they will say, “Oh, look at these Satanists! Oh, look what they do!” But, I tell you this! Hear Me in this! For, I am empowering the Satanists over you!
Just as I raised up Nebuchadnezzar and I empowered Nebuchadnezzar to come forward and to overrun and defeat My people, who did evil and who would not heed the warnings of My prophets, I have now raised up another in your midst! Indeed, he is Satan’s choice and Satan has put him over you through his secret organizations. But, I tell you now that I control Satan! He does what I allow and what I command!
I wrote the Book of Revelation; and I have spoken through My prophets down through the ages, for this is what My people chose. And, I have honored their choices!
But now, hear Me in this! Make no mistake about it! Barack Obama is the antichrist! Whine all you want! Be in denial all that you want, but you will not change who he is; and you will not change the fact that I put him over you!
He is your worst nightmare, oh America; for he will burn you down and laugh as he sees you burning! He has no allegiance to America; for his allegiance is to Satan; and this man’s heart is set upon his rule of the whole world
You, oh America, are but fodder for his fires, you wicked and adulterous peoples of America! And, burn you will! Yes, you will burn; and the fires will spread all across this nation, even before the nukes come! Yes, you will burn, oh America! For, you will not repent! And, because you will not repent; and I have called out to you for many years to repent of your evil ways, and you will not hear My cries, I tell you that you will burn!
And, the famines, great famines, will begin to rip across this land, from one city to another and from one part of this land to another! In years past, I warned you through My words, which I gave to My servant, Linda Newkirk. I told you that if you would not repent that I would dry up your corn fields, that I would bring famines; and you would not hear! You would not believe!
Now come the famines, and you can see it at your door! For, the droughts are so great! And, now the great fires come, yet few of you can see them, and these fires continue on! Now comes also the time when your antichrist president will wallow in his victories! For, now comes also the time when he is coming into his power!
What will you do, oh you decadent nation of America? You will fall! America will fall! Yes, America will fall, and all over the world, the people will shudder! They will panic! They will fear with a great fear! For, they shall soon say, “America is fallen!” Yes, the whore of the world is fallen! That old wicked woman, who made the world to drink of the cup of her perversions, has fallen!
Yet, not all will fear, but only those nations, who have depended upon you, will fear! Many will rejoice! Many will be joyful! They will be glad; for you, oh decadent nation of America have terrorized many nations!
Now comes the time, and it is at your door, when many nations shall terrorize you, oh nation of America! For, as you have sown, so shall you reap!
The wind is coming! Yes, a very great wind from the South is coming! A very great Southerly wind will come upon this nation and this wind from the South will greatly trouble you!
Yes, the King of the South will rise up and he will collect his own nations; and they shall rise up to defeat and to overthrow this nation, not through war, not yet through war, but soon through war! However, at this time, they shall rise up; and soon, en masse, they will rise up to overthrow the dollar! And, this wind will blow hot! This wind will blow upon you with a great force and this great wind will cause you to suffer an irreparable crack in the economy of this nation. And, the rumbles of this great wind shall crash and crack and beat and dissolve, beat and dissolve, pound and pummel the very economic structure of this nation!
But, do not be alarmed when you see your president bow to them all; for he is not after your approval. He is after their glory! He is after their support! He is after their admiration; for he champions their causes! He is their man and he is your great enemy, oh America!
Yes, America, your president is the antichrist! He came out of Europe! In Europe, he was conceived and through the European Satanic elite, he was born! But, he is truly a man without a country; and because he is a man without a country, he is loyal to no country! His eyes are on the prize of world governance; for while he bows today to ingratiate himself to foreign rulers, tomorrow he will require that they all bow to him.
Yes, Barack Obama is a man with a great plan; but remember: I wrote the plan! I put him over you, oh America; for I am going to use him to break your pride! I am going to use him to break your haughtiness. I am going to use him to break your economy! I am going to use him to fill up your concentration camps! I am going to use him to haul you off as slaves, oh you rebellious house! I am going to use him to further pollute you, oh Nation of America; for he hates you, oh wicked nation; and I will drive his hate towards you until he sees you in flames from one end of this nation to the other, from north to south and from east to west!
You will not repent, oh you wicked nation of America! You will not heed My calls to repent, or perish! You will not bow a knee to Me, to the Creator of All Things, but you will bow a knee to him! And, many of you will take his mark and will worship him, just to have food on your tables. For, you will not honor Me and My word! You will not repent! Therefore, you will worship him and you will lose your souls! For, you have loved evil! You have no regard for what is right! You love a lie! You love every perverted thing; and you will perish in your wicked ways!
Get ready, people of Louisiana! Get ready! Get ready for one of the greatest catastrophes that you will ever see! I have sent you warnings through the great devastation of Hurricane Katrina! This was My first great warning to you, oh people of Louisiana: my warning to repent, or perish. Yet, you have made yourselves busy in rebuiding that great decadent city of New Orleans, but you have not repented!
Then, I sent you even greater warnings through the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster! Great is this calamity and great have been your losses through this great calamity! But, still you have not repented!
These are My judgments, oh you blind, who lead the blind; but you would not see My handiwork in the midst of these great calamities. You would not see My judgments through these great catastrophes!
Now, you do not see again what is happening to you! For, the great frozen methane lake, which is beneath the Gulf of Mexico, is quickly melting! The heat of the seeping oil, which is pouring into the frozen lake, is melting this great lake of frozen methane!
Yes, you watch in amazement as these methane bubbles come to the surface and some of you are surprised at the shifting of your homes. But, hear Me! For, you have seen nothing yet! This gas is finding its own exits!
A great volume of methane gas is pushing upwards and is seeking to find its own vents! As more of this gas pushes its way to the surface, there will come a shifting in the subterranean land masses. There shall come a subsequent shifting in the lands, both beneath the Gulf of Mexico, and even for some distance from the Gulf of Mexico!
Some of these land displacements will be great with ensuing earthquakes. But, the earthquakes will not compare to the unexpected explosions, and in many areas, unparalleled deaths of humans, animals and aquatic life and yes, even birds and other life forms!
Oh, you people of Louisiana, you would not listen! I have sent you two very great calamities and now comes a third. So great shall be your suffering! The stench, the stink of the dying shall be so great! And, many will say, “Who is going to Louisiana?” For, the explosions and the dying shall be so great among you!
And, when you see these terrible things hit Louisiana, know that this is My third, great judgment against this wicked state. It is a haughty state! It is full of idol worship and witchcrafts; and those in the churches will not obey Me. They will not walk in humility before Me. For, their song is, “How great I am!”
But, I tell you, oh state of Louisiana, you are a cancer! You are a grievous sore in My face! You are a great blot upon the face of the whole earth; and I will erase you!
I will continue in My judgments against you; and I will continue to plead with you to repent through My great judgements, until I erase your very existence! For, you are rotten, oh state of Louisiana! You are rotten to the core and I will no longer allow this evil before My face!
I tell you now; and hear Me well! The great methane bubble, which lies beneath the Gulf of Mexico, is beginning to rupture! As this great bubble ruptures, it will push out! It will begin to push out with great force! It will erupt beneath the ocean! It will erupt all along the Gulf Coast!
The great rupture of this methane gas will hit Florida! It will hit Texas! It will hit inland and move up beneath the Mississippi River! It will go south towards Cuba. It will go towards Mexico! It will spew forth, sometimes with small eruptions, but at other times, the eruptions of these gases will be so great that they will easily sink ships! And, there will come a time when travel in the Gulf of Mexico will be extremely hazardous!
Most often, the presence of these terrible gases will go undetected, but the effects of these gases will be deadly! Whole areas will come under attack, and there will be many “unexplained” deaths and sicknesses! This great gas explosion will be seen as the “silent killer.”
The time is at hand, oh America! You have come to the time of your great judgements; and this bowl is now full and overflowing!
I am your Father, Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God.
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 30th day of June, 2012, Linda Newkirk prophecies org
“A False Rapture, An Alien Invasion,
The Skies the World Over well erupt with UFOs”
My Blessed Child, I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God. Listen carefully to My words to you this morning; for you come and you ask Me about an event in the skies the world over, which shall surely come to pass.
Hear Me in this, My Blessed Child, and write what I say, that My people may be the wiser. I say to you, oh My people, “All eyes upon Me. All eyes upon Me. All eyes upon Me!” For, any and all, who take their eyes off Me, for even a moment, in these most perilous of times, may very well be deceived and carried into the enemy’s camp.
Do you think to outsmart Satan? Do you not know that he has been the deceiver, even from the beginning? He is master of deception and very fine at it; and he has, at his disposal, great resources and great armies, which you, as a people, are ignorant of. And, his armies are far greater than you can imagine, even one third of the stars of heaven, who were cast down with him. Yet, these are not all, but in his army are cleverly disguised robotic elements, and robotic humans, as well as great numbers of his own children, who are also human.
Then, he also has at his disposal billions of humans all over the world, who have fallen to his wicked and deceptive ways, who do his bidding and are not even aware that they do his bidding. They kill at command. They steal at command. They lie at command and all under cover of government and official business. His chain of command is very great and you, oh My people, are grossly ignorant of him and his vast armies and means to both deceive you, and to destroy you.
Yet, many of you think to fight these battles. For, even as some few of you know and understand, you fight not against flesh, when you fight Satan and his many non-human hoards, but you fight against powers and principalities of great darkness, who are not human, and were never human, but fell from the Upper Realms. They aligned themselves with Satan/Lucifer to fight against the Light, for they wished to overtake the Light. They rebelled and fell, in pride and arrogance, and are thereby filled with every evil and perverted thing; and they wish to destroy all light on this planet and /or to consume it for themselves, that they might still rise up and overtake you, who bear My light. So, they war against those of you, who bear My light.
None of you true ones escape their watchful eyes and as I have said to you, these vast armies have been cast down, but in My mercy and for the love of My Elect, I bound them in a secret place, until there would come the right time, the time of My own choosing, to release them. So, billions, many billions of them are bound up in this secret place, but at the time of My own choosing, I shall release them and they shall come forth, many, many billions of them; and they shall fill the skies the world over. They shall come at a terrible time in the earth and at a time when many feel hopeless and in despair, at a time when many think that they will escape such terrible times.
Through vast mind control techniques, they will gain control over the minds of many! The curious and the spiritually weak listen and many of them will obey the commands and they will willingly go and enter into these ships. And, many, who believe what is called the “early-out rapture” will believe that these ships are of Me; for their thinking is twisted and they will fall for the great mind control, which will come at them from many directions.
Many televangelists will be used, and preachers will be used, as mind controlled stooges at the hands of Satan and these very evil creatures; and these preachers, and even certain prophets, will trumpet the arrival of Jesus for His people.
Great lies, storms of lies, will beat down on the people; and such lies will seduce the weak, as great numbers, even millions upon millions of people the world over, will agree to enter into these ships.
Oh, the woes! Oh, the great woes! Oh the fright! Oh, the pain! Oh, the suffering! Oh, the sorrows! For, many of you will be killed straight away! You will be served up to these evil hoards as one great feast, and they will feast on upon your flesh and upon your blood. For, they are not at all human, but you will see many, who are part bird and part reptile; and these are the Dragos. They will eat you alive, pecking and clawing at you and delighting in your fear as they gobble your flesh and drink your blood; for it is your life force that they wish to consume. It is your light, that they wish to devour.
But, some of you, who enter into these ships, which will fill the skies, will be saved for greater horrors. For, they will invade your bodies and will take over your bodies and will use your bodies to further deceive great numbers of people. For, their ways are not your ways. They were once of high standing in the Upper Realms, but they fell! Nevertheless, they are not without certain supernatural powers. And, you will not understand their powers; but when you later see some that you have seen and known to go into these ships, appear again before your very eyes, you will delight to see once again your friends and family, only to be consumed and devoured alive, by the Drago, who has taken the body.
Therefore, when you see those, who go up into these ships, consider them gone and do not trust your eyes regarding them again.
These Dragos will use these snatched bodies to take over many key positions in government, in armies, in important trades, and in important services.
Therefore, My warnings to you to come out of the world, will be more important than ever! For, in your day to day activities, you will encounter them, yet you will most certainly be deceived by them, that is, all but some very, very few of you.
And, this deception will be to your own undoing; for I warn you now that this is coming. This is going to happen, an alien invasion/false rapture; and this will be the reward for so many, who have loved a lie and who have spread the lie, that I would come for you before you have to suffer in the earth. Have I not told you that you would be tried in the fires and tested as gold and silver, yet many of you want the easy way and you will not hear the truths, but would rather believe the lies.
Now, the great liar is among you and he is not at all stupid. He is crafty, very crafty; and he watches you and analyzes you, when you have no clue that he is even in your midst. For, Satan, that old Dragon, has been cast down, even as My servant, Linda Newkirk, has written.
There came a war in Heaven in the late Winter and Spring of 2006, just as my servant, Linda Newkirk, has told you in the writings of Revelation Twelve, and Satan was cast down. Along with him were cast down many billions of Dragos, but I commanded Archangel Michael and others of My archangels to fight and to subdue them and to round them up and to hide them in a secret place. For, it was not time for them to come forth and to take their place in Satan’s army in the earth. But, I tell you now, that there shall come a time, when I will set free these vast information of Dragos and few of you will be the wiser.
Hear Me, oh you nations, who sleep and slumber. Satan is given his time in the earth and his kingdom is in place. By the day, you can see his great evils, and they escalate in the earth, yet so many of you prefer deception. You will not see the truths of what is, of what has been, and of what is to come.
The time of the great sifting is at hand and many souls will be sifted into the fires (of hell). Also, at this time, many will make the most terrible decision to take the mark of the beast; and these souls will be destroyed. Yes, indeed, a great sifting is at hand.
Beware, oh you, who sleep in the midst of such evil; for in your ignorance, you will be carried away.
For, you will most certainly now either seek Me with your whole heart and you will walk in My statutes and keep My commandments, or you will be in the camp of Satan. For, it is either one, or the other.
Make your way straight, oh My people. Keep your eyes fixed on Me. Consider Me in all things, lest you be deceived and carried away and end up in the fires! For, since there was a nation, there have never been times as severe, as what you are now entering into.
Make copies of this message and distribute far and wide, that the blind may see and understand what is upon the whole world.
My Little One, My words, which you just heard in the spirit, when translated mean, “Stay away from the Dragon,” and I have allowed you to hear these words, even in My own language, a language that you do not know; for these words are for all nations, but especially for My people in China and the Orient. “STAY AWAY FROM THE DRAGON!”
And, with these words, I say unto you and unto all of My people. The light of My Kingdom is in the earth and it shines to every humble and obedient heart. Receive My light, oh My people and be filled; for this light is My pure love to you. And, when you see all of these things come to pass, then know that My finger tip is about to touch you, oh My Faithful Bride.
I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God.
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 13th day of July, 2011, Linda Newkirk
The Strange Sounds Being Heard Around the World, Are NOT… Trumpet Sounds!
The Shaping of the Hive Mind!
Now, My Blessed Child, I know what you have in your heart and what you wish to know about. And, I shall now give you understanding about the loud and cacophonous sounds, which are being directed towards certain areas in the Russian governances.
My Blessed Child, who knows the mind of a bird, or why it chooses to fly in one direction, and not another? And, who knows why some flocks of birds all fly in unison?
My Lord, you know.
Yes, My Little One, I know and relative to the latter, some speak of the “hive mind.”
Yes, My Lord, (they speak) of many, who operate as one.
Know, My Blessed Child, that this is the New World Order goal and the New World Order mindset. Understand?
Yes, my Lord.
Now, My Blessed Child, through their great assaults against their own people, many of whom are indeed godless, empty souls, the Russian/Satanic Alliance is intent upon creating one mind.
But, Father, how so?
My Blessed Child, through this barrage of disharmonic sounds, they are seeking to cause the people to emerge as one through the simultaneous opening of the lower neurological centers, which tie them to base human emotions, like sex, fear and dread.
With the opening of the lower and primary nerve centers, they are also preparing for a greater demonic infiltration/possession and a loosing of the soul at the level of the attachment of the soul, at the level of the lowest neurological centers. (Note: at the base of the spine.)
With the soul at loose attachment, they will also seek to drive some souls from their bodies, or to create a dissociative state for the body (and soul), thereby creating armies of automatons. This is one great experiment, but still on a small scale and will most assuredly work, especially on many of those, who are already devoid of My light.
However, My Little One, for those, who love Me, this is a time of very terrible and very severe trials and few will overcome the great inner stresses, which are created by this great assault on the lower nerve centers, if they do not remain extremely close to Me at all times.
To overcome in the midst of such assaults against these nerve centers will truly require that one loves Me above all and truly loves others. For, through true love, one will overcome. See?
Yes, my Lord.
My Blessed Child, you know what you have suffered, as you are the earth mother of My very own Son of light and fire, the holy manchild of Revelation Chapter Twelve; and you have suffered through great torture and persecution.
Therefore, My Blessed Child, you know well the depravity of Satan and his many barbaric hoards and that you cannot fight these battles, but must surrender totally to Me, and die to self and to things of the world. You know that you must truly love Me and others and that you must truly forgive, each and every day, that you may be forgiven.
My Little One, through your great suffering, you have learned much and I have supernaturally carried you through years of great terror, suffering, and heartache, but, My Blessed Child, the people sleep. The spiritually blind and deaf not only do not see and hear, but refuse to see and hear.
The time of the great sorting is now. This is the time that I warned of in previous times, that in the latter days, the times would be more severe that at any times since there was a nation.
The War of the Worlds
For, Satan and the wicked and rebellious ones, who fought against the light, have been thrown down. They all know that their time is short and now you find yourselves in a war of the worlds. For, they bring into your midst their terrible weapons and terrible technologies and you can in no way fight them. Therefore, all who, will not die to self and to things of this world, and who will not submit to Me in love and obedience, and with their whole hearts, will fall.
Many will now die in their sins. Many rebellious ones will rise and take up guns and die by the sword. Many will erroneously believe that they can rebel against the New World Order and its terrible weapons and live, but many, many will die.
I am sorting, busy sorting out souls! And, into My palm go the pure of heart. Though some (of these pure ones) will die a physical death, none of them will feel the sting of death. For, even though some of them will be martyred, indeed the appointed ones, all will leave with joy unparalleled in their hearts.
Send this out, that My people may read and understand. But, the spiritually blind and deaf will not understand. They will not see and hear, though they read.
Oh, my Lord, I am so troubled about this “hive mind” and about those, who will fall victim to such great evils. Oh, Father, have mercy on the lost.
Father, remember Your promises to me, that You would allow me to see the salvation of the greatest numbers of souls. Oh, Father, this great evil (of the hive mind) is so terrible. Have mercy on the lost!
Yes, My Blessed Child, it is truly dreadful. But, even so, it is written; and it shall come to pass. Yet, I shall also bring forth My Holy Sons and My kingdom shall come forth in all of its glory.
The sorting of the souls is now. Hear Me in this, oh you rebellious house; for in My House, there will be no rebellion!
I am your Father Yahweh, yea Jehovah, Most High God.
As witnessed, dictated and recorded this 7th day of September, 2011, Linda Newkirk
Do not listen to the YouTube videos of these sounds, even brief exposure is very harmful. Get ear protection and have plans to get away from these sounds in sound proof rooms. The sounds will affect your body as well. Your mind is an electric field that extends far beyond the grey matter of your brain.
If you truly care for others and truly love others, you will help distribute these warnings.
DREAM OF $300 Silver
Good Morning Steve,
I hope you are feeling better. You have been in my prayers. I need to share a dream I had, it was quick, not like my others. I dreamt I woke up and put on the coffee, I turned on the TV the announcer sounded frantic…he said silver shot up over night and its over 300 an ounce that markets are crashing and there is pandemonium everywhere. He said that silver was out performing gold?????. They then showed scenes of people panic buying in food stores and chain stores just throwing whatever they could into their wagon…I awoke went to your site to check the price of silver. Boy was I relieved to see the price, I feel my dream was a huge warning and that people need to get what they need NOW. Heed the HAWK and STEVE….Your Sister in Christ…
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Daniel Chapter 11
Daniel Chapter 11Revelation Of The Coming Man Of Sin
The ancient events that happened in the Middle East during the four centuries between the Old and New Testaments provide some of the most valuable prophetic clues in the whole Bible. If you truly want to comprehend what the Bible reveals about events surrounding the future Antichrist, you simply cannot skip Daniel 11.
It is impossible to understand Daniel 11 without taking a basic lesson in the history of the Middle East during those four centuries. Daniel 11 is an absolute "MUST READ" for any serious prophecy student. But the REWARDS of understanding this difficult chapter FAR OUTWEIGH the difficulty. You will vastly improve your understanding of the coming days of Antichrist by taking this lesson.
FIRST, let's make sure that you can clearly see how God's holy angels played fundamental roles in bringing these events about. By the end of this article, you should be able to clearly see how and when and why and where the Antichrist will appear.
Throughout his lifetime, the prophet Daniel received revelations from the LORD by dreams, visions and visiting angels. In Daniel 10, the angel Gabriel stood with Daniel and explained how angels work in the heavens - conducting war (spiritual warfare) with Lucifer's princes.
He explained that while Daniel was on his 21-day prayer and fasting vigil, Gabriel and Michael were at war with the demon "Prince of Persia."
This vernacular is foreign to modern, secular conversations. Our godless, atheistic culture is devoid of the belief or the understanding of how everything in the material world is moderated in the heavenly, spiritual realm by the powers of God, His angels, Lucifer and his princes.
God creates all things. His holy angels work in His behalf. Lucifer opposes all the works of God, and his princes assist in carrying out his evil agenda.
Michael - Israel's Guardian Angel
In chapter 11, Daniel's heavenly visitor was probably Gabriel (deducted from earlier verses - 8:16 and 9:1). Gabriel revealed that he and Israel's chief prince, the archangel Michael had been fighting against the prince of Persia, and would continue until he was defeated and the Persian Empire fell.
Next, he said that the demon prince of Grecia would come. [The Grecian Empire rose as the Persian Empire fell. The prince of Grecia empowered and enabled Alexander the Great and his successors until the next prince arose - the demon prince of Rome (Daniel 9:26-27).]
Gabriel also revealed the interesting fact that it was he who had helped the Persians rise above the Babylonians. "Also I in the first year of Darius the Mede, even I, stood to confirm and to strengthen him," Daniel 11:1. The Persians, for a while, proved to be helpful to Israel in the rebuilding of Jerusalem. The holy angels did not strengthen the demon princes, but Gabriel did stand with King Darius (picture), who blessed Israel for a while.
The principal reason why the angels of God make war with these particular evil angels is to protect the nation of Israel from complete destruction. If Gabriel and Michael had never resisted these demon princes, Israel would surely have perished from off the earth by now.
When we piece together all these facts that are provided throughout the scriptures, particularly in Daniel 2 (Nebuchadnezzar's image), we can clearly see that the angels had everything to do with the fall of Babylon, the rise of Media-Persia, the fall of Persia, the rise and fall of Grecia, the rise of Rome, and much more.
Never forget that God's angels rule in the heavens. The great powers are ordained of God.
When you look at the above artwork, and see how the kingdoms progressed from one power to the next, remember that the ANGELS OF GOD, warring with the DEMONS OF SATAN, are RESPONSIBLE for the RISE AND FALL OF KINGS AND KINGDOMS. That also translates into this 21st Century. The powers that be are ordained of God (Romans 13:1).
Prophecies in Daniel 11 foretold EXTENSIVE details about events that eventually came to pass between the Old and New Testaments. These prophecies alone should have thoroughly convinced the people of Israel that Almighty God is Sovereign in the heavens, and that He commands the end from the beginning. You and I would do well to contemplate these astonishingly accurate prophecies, and admit that even OUR specific future is already sealed by the determinate will and plan of God.
The people and events that are revealed in Daniel 11:1-34, represent a TRANSITIONAL PERIOD that is SANDWICHED BETWEEN THE PERIOD OF GRECIA (Greece and the empire of Alexander the Great) and the PERIOD OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE, represented by the BRASS THIGHS and the IRON LEGS in Nebuchadnezzar's image.
Daniel accurately prophesied dozens of critical events that would occur in Egypt and Syria as the GRECIAN EMPIRE was crumbling, and the ROMAN EMPIRE was rising. You MUST realize that very important point if you want to understand what is happening here. He showed, in great detail, exactly how power would finally move from the Greeks to the Romans - via the Egyptians and Syrians.
Epic historic events were prophesied hundreds of years in advance.
Daniel 11 contains many complex prophecies that span a 400-year saga of historical events that occurred between the Old and New Testaments.
As the angel revealed these things to him, Daniel accurately reported to us literally dozens of VERY DETAILED events that would eventually occur in and around Israel.
I urge you to follow me as I take you through the details. What seems very complicated on the surface is actually a very understandable series of events that will not only educate you, but also give you an enormous ability to understand exactly where we are headed in soon-coming world-shaking events. VERY FEW people understand these things, but YOU can, if you will simply take the time right now to inform yourself.
Let's start by identifying the time span for the prophecies of Daniel 11.
Daniel's life spanned MANY dramatic, historic events. As a young boy, it is likely that he lived in the courts of King Jehoiakim of Judah. But the Babylonians carried many of the finest of the Hebrew young men into the king's palace in Babylon. By the hand of God, and by the help of his ministering spirits (angels), Daniel found favor throughout his lifetime, even in the courts of pagan kings. He served and advised several famous kings: Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, Cyrus and Darius.
The angel told Daniel, in the days of Cyrus (about 75 years in advance), that the fourth Persian king would oppose Grecia.
Daniel 11:2 - "There shall stand up yet three kings in Persia; and the fourth shall be far richer than they all: and by his strength through his riches he shall stir up all against the realm of Grecia."
That was quite a remarkable revelation that was fulfilled many years after Daniel died.
Gabriel explained to Daniel, who was then serving King Cyrus of Persia, that the fourth Persian king would engage the Grecians in a major war.
This fact was decades from coming to pass. But certainly enough, Cyrus the Great was succeeded by Cambyses, then by Darius I (the Great), then by Xerxes, who, with an army of two million (according to Herodotus), marched toward Greece and fulfilled the prophecy of Daniel 11:2.
The Persians did NOT conquer the Grecians, however. Their war only stirred up young Alexander the Great to counter-attack them in great fury.
Daniel prophesied the rise of Alexander the Great.
In chapter 8, Daniel prophesied about a He-Goat with a notable horn (Greece and Alexander the Great) conquering the Ram of Persia (see above illustration).
Then Gabriel revealed to Daniel that it would be the Prince of Grecia who would come (10:20; 11:2). Daniel then prophesied that "a mighty king" with "great dominion" would "do according to his will." Alexander the Great of Greece fulfilled that prophecy when he conquered the Persians and nearly all of Eurasia.
Daniel prophesied that Alexander's empire would split into four parts.
When Alexander died, his vast empire was split into four separate kingdoms and four of his generals claimed dominion over them - perfectly fulfilling Daniel's prophecies.
Daniel 11:3-4 - "A mighty king shall stand up, that shall rule with great dominion, and do according to his will. And when he shall stand up, his kingdom shall be broken, and shall be divided toward the four winds of heaven."
Out of four kingdoms that would split off of the Grecian Empire, the revelation focused particularly on two. First, came "the King of the South" - Egypt. (South was relative to Israel). The second was the "the King of the North" - Syria. (North was also relative to Israel).
Each Kingdom, the North and the South, was one of four kingdoms that resulted from the break-up of the vast Grecian Empire of Alexander the Great after he died. (The other two kingdoms were Macedonia (lesser Greece) and Pergama (western Turkey).
Who is the King of the South? The Ptolemaic Empire of Egypt
History records that a man named Ptolemy established a powerful kingdom in Egypt at that time, much after the order of the ancient Pharaohs. Ptolemy had been one of Alexander's great generals, and was a brilliant military and political force. The empire he established in Egypt would come to be known as the Ptolemaic Empire (305-30 BC), and many of his successors would carry his namesake - Ptolemy I through Ptolemy XV, and his wife's name - Cleopatra I through Cleopatra VII.
Who is the King of the North? The Seleucid Empire of Syria
Another of Alexander's former generals, named Seleucus, came to Egypt to join Ptolemy. Seleucus had been a satrap (a provincial governor) in Babylon, following Alexander's death, but his competitor, Antigonus drove him out of Babylon.
Seleucus fled to Egypt and worked with Ptolemy for a few years, then he raised an army and struck out again. This time, he took Gaza, and returning to Babylon, took it. Then he took Syria. Within a few years, Seleucus ruled from Pergama to the Far East, including the areas we now know as Eastern Turkey, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan. This became known as the great Seleucid Empire.
Daniel made numerous impressive prophecies pertaining to the Ptolemaic and Seleucid Empires.
Daniel's prophecies in chapter 11 foretold, in astonishing detail, dozens of major events that would take place in the days of "The King of the North," (the Seleucid Empire, primarily Syria), and "The King of the South," (the Ptolemaic Empire, primarily Egypt).
It is impossible to appreciate the miraculous nature of these prophecies without studying the history of that period and realizing HOW MANY AMAZING EVENTS Daniel prophesied.
The purpose of this article is to furnish you with some of the history of that period so you can appreciate and understand more of God's purpose and plan for that part of the world - even in these modern times!
The accuracy of these prophecies SHOULD have ASTONISHED the Jews who lived in the days of Jesus Christ, and totally convinced them of HIS MESSIAHSHIP, since Daniel also prophesied the VERY YEAR Messiah would die.
If you want to be fully prepared for all that lies ahead, you simply must PAY ATTENTION TO PROPHECY!
Daniel 11:2 - "And now will I show thee the truth."
Two powerful characters would emerge: The King of the North (Syria), and the King of the South (Egypt).
Daniel prophesied that the empire of Alexander the Great would split four ways. It did. The first was Egypt, ruled by Ptolemy. Second was Seleucia (which included what is now known as Syria, Iran, Iraq, Eastern Turkey). Seleucus served Ptolemy in Egypt until he raised an army and went north to conquer his own empire. The third empire was Pergamon (which occupied what is now Western Turkey). And the fourth empire was Macedonia (Greece).
In the prophecies of Daniel 11, the phrase "King of the North" refers to the Seleucid Empire (primarily Syria). The phrase, "King of the South" refers to the Ptolemaic Empire - Egypt.
Daniel prophesied that Seleucus would ascend from Ptolemy's empire, and become greater than Ptolemy.
Ptolemy I claimed Egypt when Alexander the Great died. Seleucus eventually joined him, (after losing control of Babylon), but soon rose up from Egypt to conquer Gaza, Babylon, and Syria.
Seleucus' empire became larger than Ptolemy's. Two centuries beforehand, Daniel prophesied amazing details of their rise to power, which would not begin to occur until about 325-281 BC. The prophecies covered a span of time from about 325-183 BC. Such astonishingly accurate prophecies should make believers out of everyone!
Daniel 11:5 - "The king of the south shall be strong, and one of his princes; and he shall be strong above him, and have dominion; his dominion shall be a great dominion."
This is NOT an insignificant prophecy, because in the end of this age, we will see that the Assyrian prince will have an epic showdown with Jesus Christ. The typology here is very significant.
Meet Berenice, daughter Of Ptolemy II Of Egypt.
The successor of Ptolemy I in Egypt was Ptolemy II. The successor of Seleucus in Syria was Antiochus. Antiochus tried to take some of the dominion of Ptolemy II, but met with stern resistance. They finally settled their differences, and Antiochus the Syrian married the Egyptian daughter of Ptolemy II, Berenice. That marriage resulted in both sides laying down arms at that time. Daniel prophesied it all by divine revelation, two centuries earlier. WOW!
Daniel prophesied the marriage of Antiochus to Berenice, daughter of Ptolemy II.
Daniel 11:5-6 - "The king of the south [Egypt] shall be strong, And in the end of years they shall join themselves together; for the king's daughter of the south shall come to the king of the north [Syria] to make an agreement: but she shall not retain the power of the arm; neither shall he stand, nor his arm."
Daniel prophesied the fate of Syrian and Egyptian royalty.
The vast Seleucid Empire, ruled from Syria by Antiochus, made peace with Ptolemy II of Egypt when he married Ptolemy's daughter, Berenice. Antiochus had to put away his first wife, Laodice, to marry Berenice. But before long, Ptolemy died, and Antiochus decided that he wanted to divorce Berenice and return to his first wife, Laodice.
Daniel prophesied the demise of Antiochus, Berenice, her son, and Ptolemy II.
Enraged because she thought she and her son would lose the throne and the kingdom, Berenice poisoned Antiochus, and set out to put her son on the throne. She called for her Egyptian brother, Ptolemy III, to come to Syria and help her.
To stop Berenice and to avenge herself, Laodice poisoned Berenice and her son, the crown prince. All of that was prophesied by Daniel.
The second part of that verse, "she shall not retain the power of the arm; neither shall he stand, nor his arm," was fulfilled when Berenice murdered Antiochus for returning to his first wife. Berenice also died when Antiochus' first wife poisoned her. So both Antiochus and Berenice lost their kingdoms and armies, fulfilling the prophecies
Daniel 11:6b - "She shall be given up [Antiochus divorced Berenice], and they that brought her [Antiochus died], 'and her child' (YLT Version) [her son, the crown prince was murdered], and he that strengthened her in these times [Berenice's father, Ptolemy II died at that time]."
Daniel foretold numerous critical, KEY events during SIX SYRIAN WARS.
The Overthrow Of Syria By Egypt in 241 BC
When Egypt's Ptolemy II died, Antiochus of Syria divorced Ptolemy's daughter, Berenice, and returned to his first wife, Laodice. Berenice murdered Antiochus, so Laodice murdered her. Berenice's brother raised an Egyptian army and invaded Syria. Egypt attained the height of its world power at that time. Daniel had prophesied it about 300 years earlier.
Daniel 11:7-8 - "Out of a branch of her [Egyptian] roots shall one stand up in his estate [her brother, Ptolemy III], which shall come with an army, and shall enter into the fortress of the king of the north [Syria], and shall deal against them, and shall prevail."
Daniel foretells Antiochus III losing Syria to Egypt (Ptolemy IV) in 217 BC.
In the third generation of the Seleucid (Syrian) Empire, Antiochus III waged the "Fourth Syrian War," taking Israel, and attacking Ptolemy IV of Egypt. But EGYPT WON, and took Syria instead. Daniel foretold that 300 years earlier.
Daniel 11:10-12 - "His [Antiochus II] sons [under Antiochus III] shall be stirred up, and shall assemble a multitude of great [Syrian] forces: ...the king of the south [Ptolemy IV] shall be moved with choler, and shall come forth and fight with him, even with the king of the north [Syria] ...and he [Syria] shall cast down many ten thousands: but he shall not be strengthened by it [Egypt won]."
Daniel foretells Antiochus III (the Great) regrouping and taking Syria back from Ptolemy V.
After losing Syria to the Egyptians, Antiochus III (the Great) went back east and regrouped. In 198 BC, he formed an alliance with Philip of Macedonia, and together they attacked and conquered Ptolemy V and Egypt - 350 years after Daniel prophesied it. This was the "Fifth Syrian War." At that time, they also gained control of Palestine.
Daniel 11:13-14 - "The king of the north [Syria] shall return, and shall set forth a multitude greater than the former, and shall certainly come after certain years with a great army [with the help of Philip of Macedonia] and with much riches. And in those times there shall many stand up against the king of the south [Egypt]."
Daniel prophesied that Egypt would come as "robbers" against Palestine, but that Syria would challenge and defeat them.
Daniel depicted Egypt as "robbers" with a vision to take Palestine. He prophesied that Syria would defeat Egypt and consume "the glorious land." That was fulfilled in 198 BC.
Daniel 11:14b-16 - "The robbers of thy people [Egyptians] shall exalt themselves to establish the vision; but they shall fall. So the king of the north [Syria] shall come, ...and the arms of the south [Egypt] shall not withstand, neither his [God's] chosen people, ...he that cometh against him [Syria] will do according to his own will, ...he [the Syrian] shall stand in the glorious land, which by his hand shall be consumed."
All of Daniel's prophecies eventually refer back to Israel, and God's plan for Israel.
No matter how complex the Bible prophecies are, they all eventually run in a full circle back to the nation of Israel. Whether the subject is Babylon, Persia, Greece, Syria, Rome, Egypt, Beasts or False Prophets, everything eventually points to God, His people, and His land. All the other characters are supporting actors who only play roles in testing and trying Israel until Jesus Christ returns to His LAND and His PEOPLE.
Daniel 11:16 - "He that cometh against him shall do according to his own will, and none shall stand before him: and HE SHALL STAND IN THE GLORIOUS LAND [Israel], which by his hand shall be consumed."
The BIG REASON why Daniel put forth all these prophecies was to enlighten men about God's mighty works in behalf of His people.
Daniel prophesied that Antiochus III the Great would deceitfully give his daughter, Cleopatra, to marry Ptolemy V in Egypt, and that Cleopatra would betray her father and show loyalty to her husband, the king of Egypt.
In 193 BC, Antiochus of Syria contemplated invading Egypt, but instead, he decided to give his daughter Cleopatra to marry Ptolemy V. His scheme was that he hoped to subvert Egypt through his daughter, Cleopatra. But Cleopatra showed her loyalty to her Egyptian husband, Ptolemy V. When he died, she became the first sovereign Ptolemaic queen. Egyptians called her "Cleopatra, the Syrian."
Daniel 11:17 - "He [Antiochus] shall also set his face to enter with the strength of his whole kingdom, and upright ones with him; thus shall he do: and he shall give him the daughter of women [Cleopatra], corrupting her: but she shall not stand on his side, neither be for him."
Daniel prophesied Roman victory over Syria
Antiochus III the Great refocused his military efforts from controlling Egypt to conquering Greece and the islands of the Mediterranean. Unfortunately for him, the Roman general Scipio Asiaticus launched a counter-attack and prevented Antiochus from taking Greece. Antiochus' Seleucid (Syrian) Empire finally crumbled in 188 BC, and the Roman Empire began emerging as the new world leader.
Daniel 11:18 - "After this shall he [Antiochus] turn his face unto the isles, and shall take many: but a prince for his own behalf [Scipio the Roman] shall cause the reproach offered by him to cease; without his own reproach he shall cause it to turn upon him."
So Scipio the Roman turned the reproach on Antiochus the Great, dealing him a humiliating defeat.
Daniel prophesied that Antiochus the Great would fall, and his son, Seleucus IV would impose heavy taxes on Israel
The prophecy of Daniel 11:19 said that Antiochus the Great would "turn his face toward the fort of his own land: but he shall stumble and fall, and not be found." Following a defeat by the Roman Scipio, Antiochus returned to his fort in Antioch, and soon afterward, died in another war, fulfilling prophecy. His son, Seleucus IV, imposed harsh taxes on his kingdom, including Israel, to pay tributes to the Romans. He was poisoned. That also fulfilled Daniel's prophecies.
Daniel 11:20 - "Then shall stand up in his [Antiochus'] estate a raiser of taxes [Seleucus IV] ...but within few days he shall be destroyed."
Seleucus IV ruled for several years before he sent his minister, Heliodorus, to Jerusalem to seize the temple treasures. That was a failure and a terrible mistake. As soon as Heliodorus returned, he assassinated Seleucus IV and seized the Syrian throne. But Seleucus' brother, Antiochus IV (Epiphanes) quickly killed Heliodorus and seized the throne.
Daniel prophesied the rise of Antiochus IV Epiphanes - the prototype of the future "Man of Sin,"
Daniel 11:21-32 prophesies of one of the most infamous men in the Bible - the Old Testament prototype of the New Testament "Man of Sin." He committed the Abomination of Desolation in the temple during the Maccabean period - between the Old and New Testaments. His name was never mentioned in the Bible, but it was Antiochus Epiphanes, king of Syria.
Daniel 11:21,28,31 - "...[there] shall stand up a vile person, ...his heart shall be against the holy covenant; ...and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate."
Daniel prophesied the Old Testament Abomination of Desolation - type of the last-days Abomination.
We can see and learn what the Abomination of Desolation will be like (when the Man of Sin stands in the temple) by looking at the Old Testament version of the same event. Antiochus Epiphanes entered and defiled the temple, offering swine flesh on the altar and setting up an idol to Zeus in the holy place. When the Man of Sin comes, he will stand AS GOD in the holy temple - the ultimate blasphemy.
Daniel gave us another clue about the coming Man of Sin: Flattery is the Trademark of the Man of Sin.
The wise man in Proverbs 29:5 said, "A man that flattereth his neighbour spreadeth a net for his feet." People use flattery to snare you. The Man of Sin will use flattery to obtain power in the world. Beware of silver-tongued oratory that is full of flattery - "excessive, insincere praise." It is poisonous.
Daniel 11:21,32,34 - "He shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries. ...And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, ...but many shall cleave to them with flatteries."
God Knows His Enemies
How can we read all these amazing prophetic details about seemingly obscure events without realizing that God knows His enemies intimately? Every spy agency and intelligence organization on earth would crave to know the thoughts and intentions of their enemies years in advance the way God knows. God not only knows every thought, but He also knows every movement of every person on earth BEFORE they make it.
Daniel 11:28 - "Then shall he return into his land with great riches; and his heart shall be against the holy covenant; and he shall do exploits, and return to his own land."
As we have covered this intriguing series of events, it has become very obvious that Almighty God is involved in even the MINUTE DETAILS of our lives.
Daniel reveals to us what will be the kingdom of the coming Man of Sin.
This fellow, Antiochus Epiphanes, king of Syria from 171-167 BC, was a foreshadow of the future Man of Sin. Both come from the ancient Syrian empire (reaching from Turkey on the west to Iran on the east). He led one of four divisions of Alexander's Grecian Empire. He is the "little horn" of Daniel 8:9. Antiochus defiled the temple then, as the Man of Sin will in the future.
Daniel 11:31 - "And arms [armies] shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate."
Meet the Maccabeans - Mattathias and Judas Maccabee
Before the Roman (iron legs) periods of Nebuchadnezzar's image was a period involving the four divisions of the Grecian Empire. One was Syria, "king of the north." Antiochus Epiphanes of Syria invaded Judea, deposed Onias the high priest ("[Onias] shall be broken"), placed a statue of Zeus in the temple, and offered swine flesh on the altar. Mattathias, the successor high priest, and his son, Judas Maccabeus, raised an army [the Maccabeans] and fought valiantly against the Syrians.
Daniel 11:32 - "The people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. ...yet they shall fall by the sword."
They That Understand Shall Instruct Many
Much has been said about the power of one. One person can make a difference. When the entire Syrian empire was against Jerusalem, one man, Judas Maccabeus, rallied an army of God-fearing Jews who were willing to die for a righteous cause - defending all that is holy from a tyrant. The Maccabean revolt is a historical phenomenon, a glorious example of men of clear understanding standing up and speaking out. Now, more than ever, righteous men must be heard, even if they must die for the cause.
Daniel 11:33 - "They that understand among the people shall instruct many."
Daniel prophesies that some will be tried, even to the time of the end.
Suddenly, the prophecies in Daniel 11 turned from ancient events to future coming events in the last days - "the time of the end." Verses 21-34 described ancient events between the Jews and the Syrian King Antiochus Epiphanes, (an Old Testament type of the Man of Sin) who committed abominations in the temple. But beginning in verse 35, the prophecies refer to a future Syrian king, the coming Man of Sin. Daniel specifically said that these prophecies pertain to the time of the end.
Daniel 11:35 - "...even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed."
There will be saints, heroes, and martyrs in the last days.
Daniel's prophecies (verses 21-32) described the struggles that eventually occurred between the Syrian king Antiochus Epiphanes and the saintly Jewish heroes, the Maccabeans, who resisted the Syrians under Antiochus for committing abominations in the temple (around 170 BC).
Similarly, great saints of God in the last days will make a brave stand against the final Man of Sin as he defiles and opposes everything divine and holy. Many will be purged and purified during that time. Many will refuse the Mark of the Beast and perish for that.
Daniel 11:35 - "Some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end."
WHITE means PURIFIED in tribulation.
In Revelation 3:18, an angel delivered a message for the church to John, saying "I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed."
God will have all His saints in WHITE.
In a later vision, John saw a multitude in WHITE robes, and someone asked, "What are these which are arrayed in WHITE robes?" And the answer came, "These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them WHITE in the blood of the Lamb," Revelation 7:14.
Daniel 11:35 - "Some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them WHITE," 12:10 - "Many shall be purified, and made WHITE, and tried."
So, now we know something very important about the future Man of Sin: He will be an Assyrian.
Israel never had a more persistent enemy than Assyria. Assyria took the northern ten tribes of Israel into captivity, beginning in 740 BC under Tiglathpileser, then Shalmaneser, and then Sargon II. Later, Sennacherib of Assyria also threatened King Hezekiah of Judah.
Hundreds of years later, after Judah returned from Babylonian captivity, the Assyrian Antiochus Epiphanes profaned the temple in Jerusalem. Daniel revealed that the final Man of Sin will be the king of Assyrians (probably modern Turkey, possibly modern Syria).
Daniel 11:36 - "The king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god."
The Man of Sin will prosper until "the indignation is passed" (God's anger is satisfied).
The future Man of Sin king, possessed by Lucifer, will come from somewhere in the Syria/Turkey region, and will exalt and magnify himself above and against every god, even the God of gods. God has determined this evil man's fate since the beginning of time. The Man of Sin will prosper until God's indignation (anger) with Israel is satisfied.
Daniel 11:36 - "The king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
The god of the Man of Sin? Himself? Lucifer?
Who is the God of the Man of Sin? Himself? Lucifer? He will not honor Jehovah or any other god. We would expect a man from the region of Syria or Turkey to be a Muslim who honors Allah. But if the Man of Sin does not honor any other god, he could not be a Muslim, UNLESS he claims to be the INCARNATION of Allah. Muslims refer to their expected "Mahdi" as "the last repository of Allah." Will the Man of Sin be a Lucifer-possessed Turkish-Syrian Muslim?
Daniel 11:37 - "Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all."
The Man of Sin and his strange god - Lucifer!
The Man of Sin will completely deny the God of his father Abraham - JEHOVAH! He will despise the name of Jehovah, and will hate Jews, Jesus Christ, and Christians. His "strange god" will be God's worst enemy. Who else could that possibly be? LUCIFER! No lesser spirit would be found in the Man of Sin. Lucifer will absolutely possess this terrifying man - the Man of Sin! Only Lucifer magnifies himself above ALL other gods. The world has never seen such evil.
Daniel 11:37-39 - "Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, ...nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. ...a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour. ...Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory."
Understanding "his estate"
Even the devil has his own place, by the will of God. The Man of SIn will definitely have his own place. "In his estate," means, "in his place, his base." The Man of Sin will probably have a fortified base, or installation that he operates from. The real news here is that God determines and grants everybody a place until everything ultimately comes to judgment. Remember how Jesus told Judas Iscariot, "What thou doest, do quickly"? Jesus gave Judas his "estate." Ever since Lucifer sinned in the Garden of Eden, God has granted him an "estate," a place. But never forget, Lucifer's final estate is HELL. Ultimately, the place of all the wicked will be in hell.
Daniel 11:38 - "In his estate shall he honour the God of forces."
The Man of Sin will honor the god of forces. It will be his defense system. Lucifer is "the force."
The Man of Sin will honor the "God of forces." In dozens of other Old Testament verses, the Hebrew word "maoz" is translated "strength" or "stronghold." It also has a connotation of "defense systems." Will the Man of Sin stand behind the world's most threatening defense system? Will he possess a threatening nuclear arsenal? I suspect that he will. But there is more. In all the annals of occultic, demonic religions, Lucifer himself is referred to as "the force." Madam Helena Blavatsky, the infamous mother of the occultic "New Age" movement, said in "The Secret Doctrine, Vol 2," page 537, "that which the church calls Lucifer, is the force."
Daniel 11:38-39 - "But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: ...with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things. Thus shall he do in the most strong holds, ...and he shall cause them to rule over many."
The Man of Sin will rule over many, including all Israel during the last 42 months.
During the forty-two months after he desecrates the Jewish temple (by standing inside it, claiming to be God), the Man of Sin will set about to rule the world as the most evil king in all of human history. As "the king of the north," he will quickly engage in war with Egypt, and take over ALL Israel.
Daniel 11:39,41,45 - "...he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain. ...He shall enter also into the glorious land, ...And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain."
I have written extensively on the role of the IRON and CLAY KINGDOM (the European federation under the influence of the Roman Catholic Church.) I have shown in great detail how that the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church will partner with the leader of the Germany-and-France-led European federation to produce the Man of Sin.
I have also written about the potential of the nation of Turkey ascending to full membership in the European Union as a potentially lethal mix of Islam and Roman Catholic Christianity.
I am now convinced that the ultimate scenario, as depicted in the books of Daniel, Revelation, and all the other prophetic scriptures, is going to be a EUROPEAN BEAST, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THE POPE, SETTING UP AN ASSYRIAN GOVERNOR IN JERUSALEM.
I believe the Man of Sin will be from the region of Turkey-Syrian-Iran-Iraq (the neighborhood of the ancient Assyrian Empire). He will operate in Jerusalem, with the full backing of the European nations, the Roman Catholic Church and the United Nations. The United Nations will patrol and control Jerusalem; the Roman Catholic Church will control all the holy sites, and the Man of Sin will rule the entire nation from his own palace in Jerusalem. In his 42 month rule, the Man of Sin will totally eliminate the Jews from Israel. Only the 144,000 Jews who were sealed by God BEFORE the Great Tribulation will escape the wrath of the Man of Sin. The rest will either be killed or cruelly exiled into many other nations.
All Biblical prophecies have purpose
I have not found a more difficult chapter in the Bible than Daniel 11. But despite its apparent complexity and difficulty, it contains some of the most important prophetic information in the Bible. If we had IGNORED Daniel 11, we would NOT have been able to come to these conclusions. To ignore ANY BIBLE PROPHECY is to deprive ourselves of several INDISPENSABLE pieces of the prophetic puzzle. If we want to understand what will happen in the last days, or accurately identify the coming Man of Sin, we must understand Daniel 11, but we must also consider ALL BIBLE PROPHECIES.
Here are a few more details about what the Man of Sin will do.
The Man of Sin will take Egypt
Egypt made peace with Israel in 1979 when President Anwar Sadat signed the Israel-Egyptian Peace Treaty with Israeli President Menachem Begin. US President Jimmy Carter helped negotiate that settlement at the time. Unfortunately, hostile forces within Egypt disapproved, and assassinated Sadat.
In modern times, Egypt is the home of the Muslim Brotherhood, one of the most radical, extreme and dangerously violent Islamic organizations on earth. The Islamic University of Cairo is infiltrated with the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood is synergistic with the other radical Muslim organizations in the Middle East - The Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Hezbollah, Hamas, and others. Osama bin Laden was heavily influenced by members of the Muslim Brotherhood while he was attending university.
Nevertheless, Egypt has managed to attain a moderate stance among Arab nations. Egypt is home to the 22-nation Arab League. The Arab League has been the force behind the international efforts to mediate peace in Israel and Palestine. The Arab League put forth the principles that can now be seen in the United Nations "Quartet" document, "The Roadmap for Peace."
As a tentative friend of Israel, Egypt will at first stand with Israel against the Man of Sin. But the Man of Sin, being completely controlled by radical Islam, will finally overthrow Egypt. Although Egypt will initially stand AGAINST the Man of Sin, it will finally be defeated by him.
Daniel 11:40, 42-43 - "At the time of the end shall the king of the south [Egypt] push at him [the Man of Sin]: and the king of the north [the Man of Sin] shall come against him like a whirlwind, ...and the land of Egypt shall not escape. But he shall have power over ...all the precious things of Egypt."
The ASSYRIAN will have MONEY and POWER.
As unbelievable as it sounds, the scriptures are clear enough. The Man of Sin will have the support of the well-moneyed elite of Europe. An Islamic "ASSYRIAN" will be given his place in Jerusalem by the powers of Europe and the Roman Catholic Church. It will be Rome's LAST-DITCH EFFORT to appease the Muslims, and settle, once-and-for-all, the Israeli-Palestine hostilities.
The Man of Sin will have more earthly power than any man who ever lived. He will also control the earth's wealth. Nevertheless, his power and money cannot stand against the sovereign power of Almighty God. Jesus Christ will come and take it all from the Antichrist.
Daniel 11:40-45 - "He [the ASSYRIAN King of the North] shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over. ...many countries shall be overthrown: ...He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: ...he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, ...yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him."
The ASSYRIAN will overthrow many countries as he comes to power.
This ASSYRIAN (from the region of Turkey-Syria-Iran-Iraq) will be a vicious enemy of Israel, and probably all Western civilization. He will have no tolerance for moderate Arabs. Jordan will escape his terrible control, but Egypt, Libya and Ethiopia will not. He will overthrow MANY countries.
Daniel 11:41-43 - "Many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon [Jordanians]. He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape. ...the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps."
The ASSYRIAN, Islam, And Communists will clash "with GREAT FURY."
According to the prophecies, the ASSYRIAN will conquer Israel, Egypt, and many other nations. This ASSYRIAN monster will do everything he wants, until trouble comes from the north and east. I think this Muslim Man of Sin will be attacked by Russia and China, provoking the worst war in the history of the world. Communists versus Muslims. The Sixth Trumpet War of Revelation 9. One-third of mankind will die. However, the Man of Sin WILL survive, because he has a date with destiny - Jesus Christ at Armageddon!
Daniel 11:44 - "Tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many."
This unprecedented "Clash of Civilization" will occur when Russia and China come to contend with Islam in the Middle East. Figure it any way you want to - there is oil in the Middle East, and China needs it. ONE-THIRD OF ALL MANKIND WILL DIE. That is the SIXTH TRUMPET WAR of Revelation 9.
Here is one of the most provocative things of all that can be said about the Man of Sin.
Paradise Lost
Lucifer will finally realize one of his most-longed-for dreams. From ancient times, Lucifer had said, (in Isaiah 14:13), "I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north." Lucifer always wanted to sit where God sits.
In Genesis 22:2, God called Abraham to Mount Moriah. Genesis 22:2 - "And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah."
God chose MORIAH as His holy mountain in the days of Abraham. Since that day, Lucifer has wanted that mountain.
Abraham called MORIAH, "the mount of the LORD."
"Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen," Genesis 22:14.
The LORD appeared to David on MORIAH.
"Solomon began to build the house of the LORD at Jerusalem in mount Moriah, where the LORD appeared unto David," 2 Chronicles 3:1.
All these monumental names and events are associated with MORIAH.
Jesus was closely associated with MORIAH.
Lucifer WILL FINALLY SIT ON THAT MOUNTAIN. God will permit it. But it will be his LAST STAND! "I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north," Isaiah 14:13. Lucifer has always wanted to sit where God sits.
But God answered him back, in Ezekiel 28:16. "I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub." Jesus will destroy him in Jerusalem.
The Man of Sin in Jerusalem will provoke the FINAL SHOWDOWN between God and the devil.
Daniel 11:45 - "And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the GLORIOUS HOLY MOUNTAIN; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him."
"I Will Break The Assyrian In My Land"
God says, "This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth." We should pay attention to this divinely-identified purpose. "The LORD of hosts hath sworn, saying, ...I will break the Assyrian in my land, and upon my mountains tread him under foot: then shall his yoke depart from off them, and his burden depart from off their shoulders." This is an Armageddon prophecy. The Man of Sin will come from the region of Assyria, and Jesus will destroy him in the mountains of Jerusalem.
Isaiah 14:27 - "For the LORD of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul it?"
This is the great conclusion of Daniel 11. This is why Daniel gave us all the painstaking details of 400 years of history between the Old and New Testaments - that we may know that it will be the ASSYRIAN MAN OF SIN who will be destroyed in Jerusalem when Jesus Christ returns to earth at Armageddon.
Jesus Will Deliver Israel From The Assyrian Man of Sin
Jesus will come "in the majesty of the name of the LORD." He shall "be great unto the ends of the earth" (as the King of Kings) and will overthrow the Assyrian Man of Sin. "I will break the Assyrian in my land, and upon my mountains tread him under foot: ...This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth," Isaiah 14:25-26.
Micah 5:5 - "This man [Christ] shall be the peace, when the Assyrian shall come into our land: and when he shall tread in our palaces ...thus shall he [Christ] deliver us from the Assyrian, when he cometh into our land."
The BEAST (head of the European powers) and the FALSE PROPHET (the Pope) of Revelation 13, and the Assyrian MAN OF SIN will be destroyed when Jesus meets them all at Armageddon.
A prophesied coming "Man of Sin"
will stand in the Third Temple in Jerusalem
during Daniel's Seventieth Week
and commit "The Abomination of Desolations."
These extraordinary prophecies, fulfilled during the 400 years
between the Old and New Testaments, reveal amazing secrets
about exactly who that Man of Sin will be.
Learn about the future collision between Jesus Christ
and the Assyrian "Man of Sin" at the time of Armageddon!
will stand in the Third Temple in Jerusalem
during Daniel's Seventieth Week
and commit "The Abomination of Desolations."
These extraordinary prophecies, fulfilled during the 400 years
between the Old and New Testaments, reveal amazing secrets
about exactly who that Man of Sin will be.
Learn about the future collision between Jesus Christ
and the Assyrian "Man of Sin" at the time of Armageddon!
The ancient events that happened in the Middle East during the four centuries between the Old and New Testaments provide some of the most valuable prophetic clues in the whole Bible. If you truly want to comprehend what the Bible reveals about events surrounding the future Antichrist, you simply cannot skip Daniel 11.
It is impossible to understand Daniel 11 without taking a basic lesson in the history of the Middle East during those four centuries. Daniel 11 is an absolute "MUST READ" for any serious prophecy student. But the REWARDS of understanding this difficult chapter FAR OUTWEIGH the difficulty. You will vastly improve your understanding of the coming days of Antichrist by taking this lesson.
FIRST, let's make sure that you can clearly see how God's holy angels played fundamental roles in bringing these events about. By the end of this article, you should be able to clearly see how and when and why and where the Antichrist will appear.
He explained that while Daniel was on his 21-day prayer and fasting vigil, Gabriel and Michael were at war with the demon "Prince of Persia."
This vernacular is foreign to modern, secular conversations. Our godless, atheistic culture is devoid of the belief or the understanding of how everything in the material world is moderated in the heavenly, spiritual realm by the powers of God, His angels, Lucifer and his princes.
God creates all things. His holy angels work in His behalf. Lucifer opposes all the works of God, and his princes assist in carrying out his evil agenda.
Michael - Israel's Guardian Angel
In chapter 11, Daniel's heavenly visitor was probably Gabriel (deducted from earlier verses - 8:16 and 9:1). Gabriel revealed that he and Israel's chief prince, the archangel Michael had been fighting against the prince of Persia, and would continue until he was defeated and the Persian Empire fell.
Next, he said that the demon prince of Grecia would come. [The Grecian Empire rose as the Persian Empire fell. The prince of Grecia empowered and enabled Alexander the Great and his successors until the next prince arose - the demon prince of Rome (Daniel 9:26-27).]
The principal reason why the angels of God make war with these particular evil angels is to protect the nation of Israel from complete destruction. If Gabriel and Michael had never resisted these demon princes, Israel would surely have perished from off the earth by now.
When we piece together all these facts that are provided throughout the scriptures, particularly in Daniel 2 (Nebuchadnezzar's image), we can clearly see that the angels had everything to do with the fall of Babylon, the rise of Media-Persia, the fall of Persia, the rise and fall of Grecia, the rise of Rome, and much more.
Never forget that God's angels rule in the heavens. The great powers are ordained of God.
When you look at the above artwork, and see how the kingdoms progressed from one power to the next, remember that the ANGELS OF GOD, warring with the DEMONS OF SATAN, are RESPONSIBLE for the RISE AND FALL OF KINGS AND KINGDOMS. That also translates into this 21st Century. The powers that be are ordained of God (Romans 13:1).
Prophecies in Daniel 11 foretold EXTENSIVE details about events that eventually came to pass between the Old and New Testaments. These prophecies alone should have thoroughly convinced the people of Israel that Almighty God is Sovereign in the heavens, and that He commands the end from the beginning. You and I would do well to contemplate these astonishingly accurate prophecies, and admit that even OUR specific future is already sealed by the determinate will and plan of God.
The people and events that are revealed in Daniel 11:1-34, represent a TRANSITIONAL PERIOD that is SANDWICHED BETWEEN THE PERIOD OF GRECIA (Greece and the empire of Alexander the Great) and the PERIOD OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE, represented by the BRASS THIGHS and the IRON LEGS in Nebuchadnezzar's image.
Daniel accurately prophesied dozens of critical events that would occur in Egypt and Syria as the GRECIAN EMPIRE was crumbling, and the ROMAN EMPIRE was rising. You MUST realize that very important point if you want to understand what is happening here. He showed, in great detail, exactly how power would finally move from the Greeks to the Romans - via the Egyptians and Syrians.
Epic historic events were prophesied hundreds of years in advance.
Daniel 11 contains many complex prophecies that span a 400-year saga of historical events that occurred between the Old and New Testaments.
As the angel revealed these things to him, Daniel accurately reported to us literally dozens of VERY DETAILED events that would eventually occur in and around Israel.
I urge you to follow me as I take you through the details. What seems very complicated on the surface is actually a very understandable series of events that will not only educate you, but also give you an enormous ability to understand exactly where we are headed in soon-coming world-shaking events. VERY FEW people understand these things, but YOU can, if you will simply take the time right now to inform yourself.
Let's start by identifying the time span for the prophecies of Daniel 11.
The angel told Daniel, in the days of Cyrus (about 75 years in advance), that the fourth Persian king would oppose Grecia.
Daniel 11:2 - "There shall stand up yet three kings in Persia; and the fourth shall be far richer than they all: and by his strength through his riches he shall stir up all against the realm of Grecia."
That was quite a remarkable revelation that was fulfilled many years after Daniel died.
Gabriel explained to Daniel, who was then serving King Cyrus of Persia, that the fourth Persian king would engage the Grecians in a major war.
This fact was decades from coming to pass. But certainly enough, Cyrus the Great was succeeded by Cambyses, then by Darius I (the Great), then by Xerxes, who, with an army of two million (according to Herodotus), marched toward Greece and fulfilled the prophecy of Daniel 11:2.
The Persians did NOT conquer the Grecians, however. Their war only stirred up young Alexander the Great to counter-attack them in great fury.
Daniel prophesied the rise of Alexander the Great.
In chapter 8, Daniel prophesied about a He-Goat with a notable horn (Greece and Alexander the Great) conquering the Ram of Persia (see above illustration).
Then Gabriel revealed to Daniel that it would be the Prince of Grecia who would come (10:20; 11:2). Daniel then prophesied that "a mighty king" with "great dominion" would "do according to his will." Alexander the Great of Greece fulfilled that prophecy when he conquered the Persians and nearly all of Eurasia.
Daniel prophesied that Alexander's empire would split into four parts.
When Alexander died, his vast empire was split into four separate kingdoms and four of his generals claimed dominion over them - perfectly fulfilling Daniel's prophecies.
Daniel 11:3-4 - "A mighty king shall stand up, that shall rule with great dominion, and do according to his will. And when he shall stand up, his kingdom shall be broken, and shall be divided toward the four winds of heaven."
Out of four kingdoms that would split off of the Grecian Empire, the revelation focused particularly on two. First, came "the King of the South" - Egypt. (South was relative to Israel). The second was the "the King of the North" - Syria. (North was also relative to Israel).
Each Kingdom, the North and the South, was one of four kingdoms that resulted from the break-up of the vast Grecian Empire of Alexander the Great after he died. (The other two kingdoms were Macedonia (lesser Greece) and Pergama (western Turkey).
Who is the King of the South? The Ptolemaic Empire of Egypt
History records that a man named Ptolemy established a powerful kingdom in Egypt at that time, much after the order of the ancient Pharaohs. Ptolemy had been one of Alexander's great generals, and was a brilliant military and political force. The empire he established in Egypt would come to be known as the Ptolemaic Empire (305-30 BC), and many of his successors would carry his namesake - Ptolemy I through Ptolemy XV, and his wife's name - Cleopatra I through Cleopatra VII.
Who is the King of the North? The Seleucid Empire of Syria
Another of Alexander's former generals, named Seleucus, came to Egypt to join Ptolemy. Seleucus had been a satrap (a provincial governor) in Babylon, following Alexander's death, but his competitor, Antigonus drove him out of Babylon.
Seleucus fled to Egypt and worked with Ptolemy for a few years, then he raised an army and struck out again. This time, he took Gaza, and returning to Babylon, took it. Then he took Syria. Within a few years, Seleucus ruled from Pergama to the Far East, including the areas we now know as Eastern Turkey, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan. This became known as the great Seleucid Empire.
Daniel made numerous impressive prophecies pertaining to the Ptolemaic and Seleucid Empires.
Daniel's prophecies in chapter 11 foretold, in astonishing detail, dozens of major events that would take place in the days of "The King of the North," (the Seleucid Empire, primarily Syria), and "The King of the South," (the Ptolemaic Empire, primarily Egypt).
It is impossible to appreciate the miraculous nature of these prophecies without studying the history of that period and realizing HOW MANY AMAZING EVENTS Daniel prophesied.
The purpose of this article is to furnish you with some of the history of that period so you can appreciate and understand more of God's purpose and plan for that part of the world - even in these modern times!
The accuracy of these prophecies SHOULD have ASTONISHED the Jews who lived in the days of Jesus Christ, and totally convinced them of HIS MESSIAHSHIP, since Daniel also prophesied the VERY YEAR Messiah would die.
If you want to be fully prepared for all that lies ahead, you simply must PAY ATTENTION TO PROPHECY!
Daniel 11:2 - "And now will I show thee the truth."
Two powerful characters would emerge: The King of the North (Syria), and the King of the South (Egypt).
Daniel prophesied that the empire of Alexander the Great would split four ways. It did. The first was Egypt, ruled by Ptolemy. Second was Seleucia (which included what is now known as Syria, Iran, Iraq, Eastern Turkey). Seleucus served Ptolemy in Egypt until he raised an army and went north to conquer his own empire. The third empire was Pergamon (which occupied what is now Western Turkey). And the fourth empire was Macedonia (Greece).
In the prophecies of Daniel 11, the phrase "King of the North" refers to the Seleucid Empire (primarily Syria). The phrase, "King of the South" refers to the Ptolemaic Empire - Egypt.
Daniel prophesied that Seleucus would ascend from Ptolemy's empire, and become greater than Ptolemy.
Ptolemy I claimed Egypt when Alexander the Great died. Seleucus eventually joined him, (after losing control of Babylon), but soon rose up from Egypt to conquer Gaza, Babylon, and Syria.
Seleucus' empire became larger than Ptolemy's. Two centuries beforehand, Daniel prophesied amazing details of their rise to power, which would not begin to occur until about 325-281 BC. The prophecies covered a span of time from about 325-183 BC. Such astonishingly accurate prophecies should make believers out of everyone!
Daniel 11:5 - "The king of the south shall be strong, and one of his princes; and he shall be strong above him, and have dominion; his dominion shall be a great dominion."
This is NOT an insignificant prophecy, because in the end of this age, we will see that the Assyrian prince will have an epic showdown with Jesus Christ. The typology here is very significant.
Meet Berenice, daughter Of Ptolemy II Of Egypt.
The successor of Ptolemy I in Egypt was Ptolemy II. The successor of Seleucus in Syria was Antiochus. Antiochus tried to take some of the dominion of Ptolemy II, but met with stern resistance. They finally settled their differences, and Antiochus the Syrian married the Egyptian daughter of Ptolemy II, Berenice. That marriage resulted in both sides laying down arms at that time. Daniel prophesied it all by divine revelation, two centuries earlier. WOW!
Daniel prophesied the marriage of Antiochus to Berenice, daughter of Ptolemy II.
Daniel 11:5-6 - "The king of the south [Egypt] shall be strong, And in the end of years they shall join themselves together; for the king's daughter of the south shall come to the king of the north [Syria] to make an agreement: but she shall not retain the power of the arm; neither shall he stand, nor his arm."
Daniel prophesied the fate of Syrian and Egyptian royalty.
The vast Seleucid Empire, ruled from Syria by Antiochus, made peace with Ptolemy II of Egypt when he married Ptolemy's daughter, Berenice. Antiochus had to put away his first wife, Laodice, to marry Berenice. But before long, Ptolemy died, and Antiochus decided that he wanted to divorce Berenice and return to his first wife, Laodice.
Daniel prophesied the demise of Antiochus, Berenice, her son, and Ptolemy II.
Enraged because she thought she and her son would lose the throne and the kingdom, Berenice poisoned Antiochus, and set out to put her son on the throne. She called for her Egyptian brother, Ptolemy III, to come to Syria and help her.
To stop Berenice and to avenge herself, Laodice poisoned Berenice and her son, the crown prince. All of that was prophesied by Daniel.
The second part of that verse, "she shall not retain the power of the arm; neither shall he stand, nor his arm," was fulfilled when Berenice murdered Antiochus for returning to his first wife. Berenice also died when Antiochus' first wife poisoned her. So both Antiochus and Berenice lost their kingdoms and armies, fulfilling the prophecies
Daniel 11:6b - "She shall be given up [Antiochus divorced Berenice], and they that brought her [Antiochus died], 'and her child' (YLT Version) [her son, the crown prince was murdered], and he that strengthened her in these times [Berenice's father, Ptolemy II died at that time]."
Daniel foretold numerous critical, KEY events during SIX SYRIAN WARS.
The Overthrow Of Syria By Egypt in 241 BC
When Egypt's Ptolemy II died, Antiochus of Syria divorced Ptolemy's daughter, Berenice, and returned to his first wife, Laodice. Berenice murdered Antiochus, so Laodice murdered her. Berenice's brother raised an Egyptian army and invaded Syria. Egypt attained the height of its world power at that time. Daniel had prophesied it about 300 years earlier.
Daniel 11:7-8 - "Out of a branch of her [Egyptian] roots shall one stand up in his estate [her brother, Ptolemy III], which shall come with an army, and shall enter into the fortress of the king of the north [Syria], and shall deal against them, and shall prevail."
Daniel foretells Antiochus III losing Syria to Egypt (Ptolemy IV) in 217 BC.
In the third generation of the Seleucid (Syrian) Empire, Antiochus III waged the "Fourth Syrian War," taking Israel, and attacking Ptolemy IV of Egypt. But EGYPT WON, and took Syria instead. Daniel foretold that 300 years earlier.
Daniel 11:10-12 - "His [Antiochus II] sons [under Antiochus III] shall be stirred up, and shall assemble a multitude of great [Syrian] forces: ...the king of the south [Ptolemy IV] shall be moved with choler, and shall come forth and fight with him, even with the king of the north [Syria] ...and he [Syria] shall cast down many ten thousands: but he shall not be strengthened by it [Egypt won]."
Daniel foretells Antiochus III (the Great) regrouping and taking Syria back from Ptolemy V.
After losing Syria to the Egyptians, Antiochus III (the Great) went back east and regrouped. In 198 BC, he formed an alliance with Philip of Macedonia, and together they attacked and conquered Ptolemy V and Egypt - 350 years after Daniel prophesied it. This was the "Fifth Syrian War." At that time, they also gained control of Palestine.
Daniel 11:13-14 - "The king of the north [Syria] shall return, and shall set forth a multitude greater than the former, and shall certainly come after certain years with a great army [with the help of Philip of Macedonia] and with much riches. And in those times there shall many stand up against the king of the south [Egypt]."
Daniel prophesied that Egypt would come as "robbers" against Palestine, but that Syria would challenge and defeat them.
Daniel depicted Egypt as "robbers" with a vision to take Palestine. He prophesied that Syria would defeat Egypt and consume "the glorious land." That was fulfilled in 198 BC.
Daniel 11:14b-16 - "The robbers of thy people [Egyptians] shall exalt themselves to establish the vision; but they shall fall. So the king of the north [Syria] shall come, ...and the arms of the south [Egypt] shall not withstand, neither his [God's] chosen people, ...he that cometh against him [Syria] will do according to his own will, ...he [the Syrian] shall stand in the glorious land, which by his hand shall be consumed."
All of Daniel's prophecies eventually refer back to Israel, and God's plan for Israel.
No matter how complex the Bible prophecies are, they all eventually run in a full circle back to the nation of Israel. Whether the subject is Babylon, Persia, Greece, Syria, Rome, Egypt, Beasts or False Prophets, everything eventually points to God, His people, and His land. All the other characters are supporting actors who only play roles in testing and trying Israel until Jesus Christ returns to His LAND and His PEOPLE.
Daniel 11:16 - "He that cometh against him shall do according to his own will, and none shall stand before him: and HE SHALL STAND IN THE GLORIOUS LAND [Israel], which by his hand shall be consumed."
The BIG REASON why Daniel put forth all these prophecies was to enlighten men about God's mighty works in behalf of His people.
Daniel prophesied that Antiochus III the Great would deceitfully give his daughter, Cleopatra, to marry Ptolemy V in Egypt, and that Cleopatra would betray her father and show loyalty to her husband, the king of Egypt.
In 193 BC, Antiochus of Syria contemplated invading Egypt, but instead, he decided to give his daughter Cleopatra to marry Ptolemy V. His scheme was that he hoped to subvert Egypt through his daughter, Cleopatra. But Cleopatra showed her loyalty to her Egyptian husband, Ptolemy V. When he died, she became the first sovereign Ptolemaic queen. Egyptians called her "Cleopatra, the Syrian."
Daniel 11:17 - "He [Antiochus] shall also set his face to enter with the strength of his whole kingdom, and upright ones with him; thus shall he do: and he shall give him the daughter of women [Cleopatra], corrupting her: but she shall not stand on his side, neither be for him."
Daniel prophesied Roman victory over Syria
Antiochus III the Great refocused his military efforts from controlling Egypt to conquering Greece and the islands of the Mediterranean. Unfortunately for him, the Roman general Scipio Asiaticus launched a counter-attack and prevented Antiochus from taking Greece. Antiochus' Seleucid (Syrian) Empire finally crumbled in 188 BC, and the Roman Empire began emerging as the new world leader.
Daniel 11:18 - "After this shall he [Antiochus] turn his face unto the isles, and shall take many: but a prince for his own behalf [Scipio the Roman] shall cause the reproach offered by him to cease; without his own reproach he shall cause it to turn upon him."
So Scipio the Roman turned the reproach on Antiochus the Great, dealing him a humiliating defeat.
Daniel prophesied that Antiochus the Great would fall, and his son, Seleucus IV would impose heavy taxes on Israel
The prophecy of Daniel 11:19 said that Antiochus the Great would "turn his face toward the fort of his own land: but he shall stumble and fall, and not be found." Following a defeat by the Roman Scipio, Antiochus returned to his fort in Antioch, and soon afterward, died in another war, fulfilling prophecy. His son, Seleucus IV, imposed harsh taxes on his kingdom, including Israel, to pay tributes to the Romans. He was poisoned. That also fulfilled Daniel's prophecies.
Daniel 11:20 - "Then shall stand up in his [Antiochus'] estate a raiser of taxes [Seleucus IV] ...but within few days he shall be destroyed."
Seleucus IV ruled for several years before he sent his minister, Heliodorus, to Jerusalem to seize the temple treasures. That was a failure and a terrible mistake. As soon as Heliodorus returned, he assassinated Seleucus IV and seized the Syrian throne. But Seleucus' brother, Antiochus IV (Epiphanes) quickly killed Heliodorus and seized the throne.
Daniel prophesied the rise of Antiochus IV Epiphanes - the prototype of the future "Man of Sin,"
- 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
Daniel 11:21-32 prophesies of one of the most infamous men in the Bible - the Old Testament prototype of the New Testament "Man of Sin." He committed the Abomination of Desolation in the temple during the Maccabean period - between the Old and New Testaments. His name was never mentioned in the Bible, but it was Antiochus Epiphanes, king of Syria.
Daniel 11:21,28,31 - "...[there] shall stand up a vile person, ...his heart shall be against the holy covenant; ...and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate."
Daniel prophesied the Old Testament Abomination of Desolation - type of the last-days Abomination.
We can see and learn what the Abomination of Desolation will be like (when the Man of Sin stands in the temple) by looking at the Old Testament version of the same event. Antiochus Epiphanes entered and defiled the temple, offering swine flesh on the altar and setting up an idol to Zeus in the holy place. When the Man of Sin comes, he will stand AS GOD in the holy temple - the ultimate blasphemy.
Daniel gave us another clue about the coming Man of Sin: Flattery is the Trademark of the Man of Sin.
The wise man in Proverbs 29:5 said, "A man that flattereth his neighbour spreadeth a net for his feet." People use flattery to snare you. The Man of Sin will use flattery to obtain power in the world. Beware of silver-tongued oratory that is full of flattery - "excessive, insincere praise." It is poisonous.
Daniel 11:21,32,34 - "He shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries. ...And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, ...but many shall cleave to them with flatteries."
God Knows His Enemies
How can we read all these amazing prophetic details about seemingly obscure events without realizing that God knows His enemies intimately? Every spy agency and intelligence organization on earth would crave to know the thoughts and intentions of their enemies years in advance the way God knows. God not only knows every thought, but He also knows every movement of every person on earth BEFORE they make it.
Daniel 11:28 - "Then shall he return into his land with great riches; and his heart shall be against the holy covenant; and he shall do exploits, and return to his own land."
As we have covered this intriguing series of events, it has become very obvious that Almighty God is involved in even the MINUTE DETAILS of our lives.
Daniel reveals to us what will be the kingdom of the coming Man of Sin.
This fellow, Antiochus Epiphanes, king of Syria from 171-167 BC, was a foreshadow of the future Man of Sin. Both come from the ancient Syrian empire (reaching from Turkey on the west to Iran on the east). He led one of four divisions of Alexander's Grecian Empire. He is the "little horn" of Daniel 8:9. Antiochus defiled the temple then, as the Man of Sin will in the future.
Daniel 11:31 - "And arms [armies] shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate."
Meet the Maccabeans - Mattathias and Judas Maccabee
Before the Roman (iron legs) periods of Nebuchadnezzar's image was a period involving the four divisions of the Grecian Empire. One was Syria, "king of the north." Antiochus Epiphanes of Syria invaded Judea, deposed Onias the high priest ("[Onias] shall be broken"), placed a statue of Zeus in the temple, and offered swine flesh on the altar. Mattathias, the successor high priest, and his son, Judas Maccabeus, raised an army [the Maccabeans] and fought valiantly against the Syrians.
Daniel 11:32 - "The people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. ...yet they shall fall by the sword."
They That Understand Shall Instruct Many
Much has been said about the power of one. One person can make a difference. When the entire Syrian empire was against Jerusalem, one man, Judas Maccabeus, rallied an army of God-fearing Jews who were willing to die for a righteous cause - defending all that is holy from a tyrant. The Maccabean revolt is a historical phenomenon, a glorious example of men of clear understanding standing up and speaking out. Now, more than ever, righteous men must be heard, even if they must die for the cause.
Daniel 11:33 - "They that understand among the people shall instruct many."
Daniel prophesies that some will be tried, even to the time of the end.
Suddenly, the prophecies in Daniel 11 turned from ancient events to future coming events in the last days - "the time of the end." Verses 21-34 described ancient events between the Jews and the Syrian King Antiochus Epiphanes, (an Old Testament type of the Man of Sin) who committed abominations in the temple. But beginning in verse 35, the prophecies refer to a future Syrian king, the coming Man of Sin. Daniel specifically said that these prophecies pertain to the time of the end.
Daniel 11:35 - "...even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed."
There will be saints, heroes, and martyrs in the last days.
Daniel's prophecies (verses 21-32) described the struggles that eventually occurred between the Syrian king Antiochus Epiphanes and the saintly Jewish heroes, the Maccabeans, who resisted the Syrians under Antiochus for committing abominations in the temple (around 170 BC).
Similarly, great saints of God in the last days will make a brave stand against the final Man of Sin as he defiles and opposes everything divine and holy. Many will be purged and purified during that time. Many will refuse the Mark of the Beast and perish for that.
Daniel 11:35 - "Some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end."
WHITE means PURIFIED in tribulation.
In Revelation 3:18, an angel delivered a message for the church to John, saying "I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed."
God will have all His saints in WHITE.
In a later vision, John saw a multitude in WHITE robes, and someone asked, "What are these which are arrayed in WHITE robes?" And the answer came, "These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them WHITE in the blood of the Lamb," Revelation 7:14.
Daniel 11:35 - "Some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them WHITE," 12:10 - "Many shall be purified, and made WHITE, and tried."
So, now we know something very important about the future Man of Sin: He will be an Assyrian.
Israel never had a more persistent enemy than Assyria. Assyria took the northern ten tribes of Israel into captivity, beginning in 740 BC under Tiglathpileser, then Shalmaneser, and then Sargon II. Later, Sennacherib of Assyria also threatened King Hezekiah of Judah.
Hundreds of years later, after Judah returned from Babylonian captivity, the Assyrian Antiochus Epiphanes profaned the temple in Jerusalem. Daniel revealed that the final Man of Sin will be the king of Assyrians (probably modern Turkey, possibly modern Syria).
Daniel 11:36 - "The king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god."
The Man of Sin will prosper until "the indignation is passed" (God's anger is satisfied).
The future Man of Sin king, possessed by Lucifer, will come from somewhere in the Syria/Turkey region, and will exalt and magnify himself above and against every god, even the God of gods. God has determined this evil man's fate since the beginning of time. The Man of Sin will prosper until God's indignation (anger) with Israel is satisfied.
Daniel 11:36 - "The king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods, and shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished: for that that is determined shall be done.
The god of the Man of Sin? Himself? Lucifer?
Who is the God of the Man of Sin? Himself? Lucifer? He will not honor Jehovah or any other god. We would expect a man from the region of Syria or Turkey to be a Muslim who honors Allah. But if the Man of Sin does not honor any other god, he could not be a Muslim, UNLESS he claims to be the INCARNATION of Allah. Muslims refer to their expected "Mahdi" as "the last repository of Allah." Will the Man of Sin be a Lucifer-possessed Turkish-Syrian Muslim?
Daniel 11:37 - "Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all."
The Man of Sin and his strange god - Lucifer!
The Man of Sin will completely deny the God of his father Abraham - JEHOVAH! He will despise the name of Jehovah, and will hate Jews, Jesus Christ, and Christians. His "strange god" will be God's worst enemy. Who else could that possibly be? LUCIFER! No lesser spirit would be found in the Man of Sin. Lucifer will absolutely possess this terrifying man - the Man of Sin! Only Lucifer magnifies himself above ALL other gods. The world has never seen such evil.
Daniel 11:37-39 - "Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, ...nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. ...a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour. ...Thus shall he do in the most strong holds with a strange god, whom he shall acknowledge and increase with glory."
Understanding "his estate"
Even the devil has his own place, by the will of God. The Man of SIn will definitely have his own place. "In his estate," means, "in his place, his base." The Man of Sin will probably have a fortified base, or installation that he operates from. The real news here is that God determines and grants everybody a place until everything ultimately comes to judgment. Remember how Jesus told Judas Iscariot, "What thou doest, do quickly"? Jesus gave Judas his "estate." Ever since Lucifer sinned in the Garden of Eden, God has granted him an "estate," a place. But never forget, Lucifer's final estate is HELL. Ultimately, the place of all the wicked will be in hell.
Daniel 11:38 - "In his estate shall he honour the God of forces."
The Man of Sin will honor the god of forces. It will be his defense system. Lucifer is "the force."
The Man of Sin will honor the "God of forces." In dozens of other Old Testament verses, the Hebrew word "maoz" is translated "strength" or "stronghold." It also has a connotation of "defense systems." Will the Man of Sin stand behind the world's most threatening defense system? Will he possess a threatening nuclear arsenal? I suspect that he will. But there is more. In all the annals of occultic, demonic religions, Lucifer himself is referred to as "the force." Madam Helena Blavatsky, the infamous mother of the occultic "New Age" movement, said in "The Secret Doctrine, Vol 2," page 537, "that which the church calls Lucifer, is the force."
Daniel 11:38-39 - "But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: ...with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things. Thus shall he do in the most strong holds, ...and he shall cause them to rule over many."
The Man of Sin will rule over many, including all Israel during the last 42 months.
During the forty-two months after he desecrates the Jewish temple (by standing inside it, claiming to be God), the Man of Sin will set about to rule the world as the most evil king in all of human history. As "the king of the north," he will quickly engage in war with Egypt, and take over ALL Israel.
Daniel 11:39,41,45 - "...he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for gain. ...He shall enter also into the glorious land, ...And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious holy mountain."
I have written extensively on the role of the IRON and CLAY KINGDOM (the European federation under the influence of the Roman Catholic Church.) I have shown in great detail how that the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church will partner with the leader of the Germany-and-France-led European federation to produce the Man of Sin.
I have also written about the potential of the nation of Turkey ascending to full membership in the European Union as a potentially lethal mix of Islam and Roman Catholic Christianity.
I am now convinced that the ultimate scenario, as depicted in the books of Daniel, Revelation, and all the other prophetic scriptures, is going to be a EUROPEAN BEAST, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THE POPE, SETTING UP AN ASSYRIAN GOVERNOR IN JERUSALEM.
I believe the Man of Sin will be from the region of Turkey-Syrian-Iran-Iraq (the neighborhood of the ancient Assyrian Empire). He will operate in Jerusalem, with the full backing of the European nations, the Roman Catholic Church and the United Nations. The United Nations will patrol and control Jerusalem; the Roman Catholic Church will control all the holy sites, and the Man of Sin will rule the entire nation from his own palace in Jerusalem. In his 42 month rule, the Man of Sin will totally eliminate the Jews from Israel. Only the 144,000 Jews who were sealed by God BEFORE the Great Tribulation will escape the wrath of the Man of Sin. The rest will either be killed or cruelly exiled into many other nations.
All Biblical prophecies have purpose
I have not found a more difficult chapter in the Bible than Daniel 11. But despite its apparent complexity and difficulty, it contains some of the most important prophetic information in the Bible. If we had IGNORED Daniel 11, we would NOT have been able to come to these conclusions. To ignore ANY BIBLE PROPHECY is to deprive ourselves of several INDISPENSABLE pieces of the prophetic puzzle. If we want to understand what will happen in the last days, or accurately identify the coming Man of Sin, we must understand Daniel 11, but we must also consider ALL BIBLE PROPHECIES.
Here are a few more details about what the Man of Sin will do.
The Man of Sin will take Egypt
Egypt made peace with Israel in 1979 when President Anwar Sadat signed the Israel-Egyptian Peace Treaty with Israeli President Menachem Begin. US President Jimmy Carter helped negotiate that settlement at the time. Unfortunately, hostile forces within Egypt disapproved, and assassinated Sadat.
In modern times, Egypt is the home of the Muslim Brotherhood, one of the most radical, extreme and dangerously violent Islamic organizations on earth. The Islamic University of Cairo is infiltrated with the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood is synergistic with the other radical Muslim organizations in the Middle East - The Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Hezbollah, Hamas, and others. Osama bin Laden was heavily influenced by members of the Muslim Brotherhood while he was attending university.
Nevertheless, Egypt has managed to attain a moderate stance among Arab nations. Egypt is home to the 22-nation Arab League. The Arab League has been the force behind the international efforts to mediate peace in Israel and Palestine. The Arab League put forth the principles that can now be seen in the United Nations "Quartet" document, "The Roadmap for Peace."
As a tentative friend of Israel, Egypt will at first stand with Israel against the Man of Sin. But the Man of Sin, being completely controlled by radical Islam, will finally overthrow Egypt. Although Egypt will initially stand AGAINST the Man of Sin, it will finally be defeated by him.
Daniel 11:40, 42-43 - "At the time of the end shall the king of the south [Egypt] push at him [the Man of Sin]: and the king of the north [the Man of Sin] shall come against him like a whirlwind, ...and the land of Egypt shall not escape. But he shall have power over ...all the precious things of Egypt."
The ASSYRIAN will have MONEY and POWER.
As unbelievable as it sounds, the scriptures are clear enough. The Man of Sin will have the support of the well-moneyed elite of Europe. An Islamic "ASSYRIAN" will be given his place in Jerusalem by the powers of Europe and the Roman Catholic Church. It will be Rome's LAST-DITCH EFFORT to appease the Muslims, and settle, once-and-for-all, the Israeli-Palestine hostilities.
The Man of Sin will have more earthly power than any man who ever lived. He will also control the earth's wealth. Nevertheless, his power and money cannot stand against the sovereign power of Almighty God. Jesus Christ will come and take it all from the Antichrist.
Daniel 11:40-45 - "He [the ASSYRIAN King of the North] shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow and pass over. ...many countries shall be overthrown: ...He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: ...he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of silver, ...yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him."
The ASSYRIAN will overthrow many countries as he comes to power.
This ASSYRIAN (from the region of Turkey-Syria-Iran-Iraq) will be a vicious enemy of Israel, and probably all Western civilization. He will have no tolerance for moderate Arabs. Jordan will escape his terrible control, but Egypt, Libya and Ethiopia will not. He will overthrow MANY countries.
Daniel 11:41-43 - "Many countries shall be overthrown: but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon [Jordanians]. He shall stretch forth his hand also upon the countries: and the land of Egypt shall not escape. ...the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his steps."
The ASSYRIAN, Islam, And Communists will clash "with GREAT FURY."
According to the prophecies, the ASSYRIAN will conquer Israel, Egypt, and many other nations. This ASSYRIAN monster will do everything he wants, until trouble comes from the north and east. I think this Muslim Man of Sin will be attacked by Russia and China, provoking the worst war in the history of the world. Communists versus Muslims. The Sixth Trumpet War of Revelation 9. One-third of mankind will die. However, the Man of Sin WILL survive, because he has a date with destiny - Jesus Christ at Armageddon!
Daniel 11:44 - "Tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him: therefore he shall go forth with great fury to destroy, and utterly to make away many."
This unprecedented "Clash of Civilization" will occur when Russia and China come to contend with Islam in the Middle East. Figure it any way you want to - there is oil in the Middle East, and China needs it. ONE-THIRD OF ALL MANKIND WILL DIE. That is the SIXTH TRUMPET WAR of Revelation 9.
Here is one of the most provocative things of all that can be said about the Man of Sin.
Paradise Lost
Lucifer will finally realize one of his most-longed-for dreams. From ancient times, Lucifer had said, (in Isaiah 14:13), "I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north." Lucifer always wanted to sit where God sits.
In Genesis 22:2, God called Abraham to Mount Moriah. Genesis 22:2 - "And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah."
God chose MORIAH as His holy mountain in the days of Abraham. Since that day, Lucifer has wanted that mountain.
Abraham called MORIAH, "the mount of the LORD."
"Abraham called the name of that place Jehovahjireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen," Genesis 22:14.
The LORD appeared to David on MORIAH.
"Solomon began to build the house of the LORD at Jerusalem in mount Moriah, where the LORD appeared unto David," 2 Chronicles 3:1.
All these monumental names and events are associated with MORIAH.
- Melchizedek, king of Salem.
The Altar on which Isaac was offered.
The Angel that delivered Isaac.
The place of God's Covenant with Abraham.
Where Abraham declared, "Jehovahjireh, the Mount of the LORD."
The Threshingfloor of Ornan.
Where the LORD appeared to King David.
Where David built an Altar.
The place where David danced before the LORD.
Where David sat the Tabernacle of David.
Where David brought the Ark of the Covenant.
Where Solomon built the Holy Temple.
Jesus was closely associated with MORIAH.
- As a baby, Jesus was dedicated there by Simeon.
The prophetess Anna ministered to Him there.
As a child, Jesus taught the priests there.
Jesus preached often there.
Jesus cleansed the temple there.
Jesus performed miracles there.
Jesus contended with the Pharisees there.
He entered the Eastern Gate riding on a donkey.
The crowds cheered, "Hosanna!"
Jesus was scourged there.
That is where He will appear at His Second Coming.
That is where He will build the Millennial Temple.
That is where the New Jerusalem will be built.
That is where the millennial Holy Place will sit.
That is where the Throne of God will sit.
That is where the Throne of David will sit.
Lucifer WILL FINALLY SIT ON THAT MOUNTAIN. God will permit it. But it will be his LAST STAND! "I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north," Isaiah 14:13. Lucifer has always wanted to sit where God sits.
But God answered him back, in Ezekiel 28:16. "I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub." Jesus will destroy him in Jerusalem.
The Man of Sin in Jerusalem will provoke the FINAL SHOWDOWN between God and the devil.
Daniel 11:45 - "And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the GLORIOUS HOLY MOUNTAIN; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him."
"I Will Break The Assyrian In My Land"
God says, "This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth." We should pay attention to this divinely-identified purpose. "The LORD of hosts hath sworn, saying, ...I will break the Assyrian in my land, and upon my mountains tread him under foot: then shall his yoke depart from off them, and his burden depart from off their shoulders." This is an Armageddon prophecy. The Man of Sin will come from the region of Assyria, and Jesus will destroy him in the mountains of Jerusalem.
Isaiah 14:27 - "For the LORD of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul it?"
This is the great conclusion of Daniel 11. This is why Daniel gave us all the painstaking details of 400 years of history between the Old and New Testaments - that we may know that it will be the ASSYRIAN MAN OF SIN who will be destroyed in Jerusalem when Jesus Christ returns to earth at Armageddon.
Jesus Will Deliver Israel From The Assyrian Man of Sin
Jesus will come "in the majesty of the name of the LORD." He shall "be great unto the ends of the earth" (as the King of Kings) and will overthrow the Assyrian Man of Sin. "I will break the Assyrian in my land, and upon my mountains tread him under foot: ...This is the purpose that is purposed upon the whole earth," Isaiah 14:25-26.
Micah 5:5 - "This man [Christ] shall be the peace, when the Assyrian shall come into our land: and when he shall tread in our palaces ...thus shall he [Christ] deliver us from the Assyrian, when he cometh into our land."
The BEAST (head of the European powers) and the FALSE PROPHET (the Pope) of Revelation 13, and the Assyrian MAN OF SIN will be destroyed when Jesus meets them all at Armageddon.
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